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Let me tell you I am one among those voters who send Sashi Tharoor to Parliament. ;) I think after 2000 Kerala elections, I voted only once :evil: :evil: in the belief that since he is an educated fellow, he will do something for the country :evil: :evil: . But he comes to Ananthapuri only for inaugurations and giving speech :cheer: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: .
Now he has been given a second chance? What do you think?
Will he use his abilities in a wise manner? B) B)

Thre biggest mistake you have done is you thought he will do simething for the country. How it can be? Can you extract oil from Sand?

That time, I went to TVM with my girl of 2 years old thinking he will do something for our country. Actually am not interested in elections.
he won with a majority of 1 lakh votes......
My dearest friend also, went to polling station to give vote for the first time.........

Let me tell you, the candidate who finished second or third ( I am not sure) is my husband's close relative ;) ;) :P :P
Yet I gave my vote thinking I am casting it right :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Let me tell you I am one among those voters who send Sashi Tharoor to Parliament. ;) I think after 2000 Kerala elections, I voted only once :evil: :evil: in the belief that since he is an educated fellow, he will do something for the country :evil: :evil: . But he comes to Ananthapuri only for inaugurations and giving speech :cheer: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: .
Now he has been given a second chance? What do you think?
Will he use his abilities in a wise manner? B) B)

Thre biggest mistake you have done is you thought he will do simething for the country. How it can be? Can you extract oil from Sand?

That time, I went to TVM with my girl of 2 years old thinking he will do something for our country. Actually am not interested in elections.
he won with a majority of 1 lakh votes......
My dearest friend also, went to polling station to give vote for the first time.........

Let me tell you, the candidate who finished second or third ( I am not sure) is my husband's close relative ;) ;) :P :P
Yet I gave my vote thinking I am casting it right :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Politicians will never never can measure up to your expectations. not even their parent's.
He was not a politician. That's why I believed him ;) :cheer: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Tharoor wins verbal duet on costly girlfriend remark by Modi. However, Modi successfully highlighted Tharoor's dubious affairs which are in public domain. Modi wins political battle however.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Tharoor is an intellectual, so I feel that he is a misfit as a politician, and what he does with his personal life is his own business.However, since he is in the central ministry he is not expected to cater only to his constituency since he has been given a more responsible job..As an MP he would be relegated only to his constituency but as a minister he is expected to do much more, we have to wait and see how he is going to fare?

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

He was not a politician. That's why I believed him ;) :cheer: :laugh: :laugh:

Tharoor is a good player.. Surely he can do miracles in his office..And he is doing.. bt only thing is that the beneficiary is himself only.. nothing for the public.. Utter dissappoint as the UPA govt.. Politicians have forgotten they are there to "SERVE THE PEOPLE"...
Anyhow, he got a good wife though he is not success in political career....!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Anyhow, he got a good wife though he is not success in political career....!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh:

"50 crore" girlfriend.. :P
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