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nice post ! Usha

This is very useful in routine life.

It is very easy to making.

Be positive
Thank you said by: usha manohar
This is a very good way of utilizing the kitchen and garden waste, I try to do it whenever possible but since I do not have a large space, I have to do it on a smaller scale so some of my kitchen waste has to go in the dust bin!

Kalyani the best way to do it is to buy a couple of large earthenware pots and keep making your compost in that and leave it alone after it is full for a month or so and directly plant in that, you should see the way flower plants come up.I planted a chrisanthamum plant once and the size of the flowers were amazing..

Do you cover your earthenware pots after it is full? In some articles I have came across that it is best to leave it open. some recommend that it should be covered to hasten the process of composting. So how do you do it?

You are right jabeen, they should be left open , the only problem will be rats,v cats and even the rat snakes in my compound get attracted to it so We have made some sturdy wire mesh covers which we just place on the pot and it gets light and air but keeps the pests away...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Ushaji you are correct regarding the composition of a compost. Just remember that your compost should not contain any plastic material or polythin bags. It makes soil poisonous.
Ushaji you are correct regarding the composition of a compost. Just remember that your compost should not contain any plastic material or polythin bags. It makes soil poisonous.

Yes that's correct :) , we have to take care not to have any plastic material while making compost at home .I was told by a horticulturist that one can add a couple of old small AAA or AA batteries that we use and throw...this is supposed to be good for soil and also add all tablets and pills that are past the date..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: jabeen
Wow Usha you have given nice idea to prepare compost for plants. Especially a great tip that AAA batteries are good for the soil. I wish sure try these as am getting new plants. So I need to look after them so carefully.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thank you said by: usha manohar
Wow Usha you have given nice idea to prepare compost for plants. Especially a great tip that AAA batteries are good for the soil. I wish sure try these as am getting new plants. So I need to look after them so carefully.

May I know how many plants you are having are having at your home? What type of plants do you have? Flowers, Vegetables,herbs?
Where do you get these? Nursery garden or from friends and relatives. I like gardening much. Since I'm out of home I cant do now-a-days.

Born to express, not to impress.
It doesnt matter if you have garden space or not, you still can make compost at home using earthenware pots , this way even the garbage problem we see in cities will be solved since most of the kitchen waste is being converted into compost...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It doesnt matter if you have garden space or not, you still can make compost at home using earthenware pots , this way even the garbage problem we see in cities will be solved since most of the kitchen waste is being converted into compost...

Guys I'm expecting a lot of threads from you all since it is a very impotant topic to be discussed.

Born to express, not to impress.
It doesnt matter if you have garden space or not, you still can make compost at home using earthenware pots , this way even the garbage problem we see in cities will be solved since most of the kitchen waste is being converted into compost...

Guys I'm expecting a lot of threads from you all since it is a very impotant topic to be discussed.

Why dont you begin by adding some information on the important topic yourself ? :)

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It doesnt matter if you have garden space or not, you still can make compost at home using earthenware pots , this way even the garbage problem we see in cities will be solved since most of the kitchen waste is being converted into compost...

Guys I'm expecting a lot of threads from you all since it is a very impotant topic to be discussed.

Why dont you begin by adding some information on the important topic yourself ? :)

I have added few points earlier. Ok. Let me share something now. Now a days, many manures and fertilizers are beign used for cultivation. Most of these have harmful effects. Some fertilizers need to be banned.For all these, composit is a better solution for a healthier society.

Born to express, not to impress.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
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