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Yes, Heels are not at all good for both men and women, but people keep on using them. At least they should remove them where those are not needed.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I love my fashionable sandels. These shoes are not made for me. It is for the special people.
In village in our area I have seen this type of long legs, We called it "Ranpa".
Hehehe.. I doubt if someone can walk comfortably wearing these shoes. :blink:

I doubt if someone would prefer them to buy. :blink:
I have no doubt, that no one will purchase these shoes, if they purchase also they won't wear, they keep them just as a show piece

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

No way. I will definitely fell down if I wear these shoes. I don't want to take a risk. :)
Where those shoes and walking is an audicity. Its better we use them as a show piece

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

We can't wear the shoes. we can keep it for shoecase only.
We can even place these variety shoes in the museum. Then every body will visit it.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I don't understand, why such big shoes are shown in fashion show, when no one like to wear it.

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