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Yes, SJ, thats why to say no, we should use some polite manner and sense while saying no

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Its difficult for once so we must say it for the first time only otherwise it may create problems later on. :)
When we say no to the person who is so sensitive and close we should say in a careful and indirect manner. If we say directly then that person get hurt so deeply

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

There was a 'maitri club (Friends club) at Agra. Members of the club could unhesitatingly say or ask for anything and could also refuse or say no without any hesitation. The rules of the club clearly mentioned that friendship consists of closeness and shedding of inhibitions. If you feel like demanding something, say so. If you cannot accept something, say No. Nobody would feel bad.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Some times we can't say no as it may hurts any but this is right to say no directly and he/she will understand latter that he /she is not in any confusion.
Even I find it difficult and because of that I end up in irritating situations very often. If someone comes to me for help I am not able to deny even if I know taking up his/her work will mean hampering my own. But still I do it.

Live in the present :)
Good article ! One has to be firm while saying no.The very fact that we have decided to say NO means that you are not willing to say yes , so make it clear cut and if possible also give valid reasons so that there is no misunderstanding and hurt feelings.Of course sometimes it cannot be avoided, but one can only do so much ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Vaishnavi, when we need to say no and if we wont say no then the other person life may go risk in some cases. So we should make our mind stone and should say no

In my case I have to decide before because I ma not able to say no to a person at the moment he or she asks me for something suddenly. I need to make up my mind and the excuse that has to be made before the person. :silly:

Live in the present :)
Of course there are always two ways to express your thoughts. Depending on the person , age and social status of the person to whom we are supposed to say NO, we can choose the lingo. tone and timbre. A polite way of expressing your negativity is, "I'm afraid... I cannot comply with your diktat...."
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