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12 years ago
Some days before I saw a movie named FALTU, where students of low marks getting no admission anywhere, taught subjects according to their interest. Yes, every people born on this earth has got some talent. Nourishing those talents can bring them great success!
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
It is possible only in the US, we in India have a long way to go before such practical and career oriented courses are introduced.Of course we do have many but they are the one's that are traditionally recognized and not something that is different and caters to all kinds of interest.
In our country, owing to caste system, there is system of passing on knowledge from generation to generation. Despite its weakness, caste system still holds benefit of training from father to son or from master craftsman to his pupils. Hair cutting, goldsmith, iron smith, massage are some for example.
Actually it is good to continue with ones caste profession only why not have courses which will make them better at their job.I think they do have such courses already...The other day I read somewhere that certain courses which have excellent career options like Archaeology and some other course which I now forget had absolutely no takers...
I agree with continuing with caste/ traditional profession. Training can bring perfection. But this should not be rigid. It happens that some are more likely to perform better in non family job.
Of course what matters is the aptitude of a person and how dedicated he or she is in pursuing that particular field of study.A committed individual can do well in any subject he chooses and he may not even go to a reputed institution to come up tops.In the case of Narayn Murthy he went to one of the most mediocre Engineering colleges in the state ...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
There are various other course too than these three subjects but feel hesitated to take admission in those courses as they think they may not be able to get a job with that course but personally I feel its better to do some professional course that to do BA or B.COM. :blink:
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