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Every one must have to take safety measures for collecting of rain water not only for future but also for us. In coming days there will be wars for water.

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You know Bangalore is like my second home where this is mandatory to use water conservation or harvesting without using the same no house plans are passed.I have written many articles on this subject with my own diagrams. You see almost 30% water goes down the drain just because they let it go.

Yes that is true ! They are very strict about implementing it in all homes in Bangalore.Now they are also making it compulsory to have solar heaters before granting permission for new electric power supply.
My sisters house has a good rain water harvesting system in bangalore and every drop of water that falls into their compound is saved and stored in tanks ,later used for washing the car and gardening and other jobs...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Water harvesting is getting more significant in view of waste of rain water. Now all land is concrete and so water does not get absorbed in Earth. Underground water level is also falling.

Yes absolutely!!!!

In Tamil Nadu, places like Vadakkamkulam near Kanya Kumari, they don't get rain.

While I went to attend a marriage there before, that day, it was raining!!!!
When many natives told, it is raining here after 5-10 years, I was really surprised!!!!
Yes, if rain is used wisely in such places, it can help a lot!!!
I am from God's own country...where rain is abundant. So, nobody here feels the need of rain harvesting.

Meera sandhu
There are few people like me who follow this. We have a rain water harvested outside of our house which we have arranged for harvest the rainwater to go into the ground which help us for gaining water

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

So in vizag also there is some places for rain harvesting. Am I right sarala.

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There are few people like me who follow this. We have a rain water harvested outside of our house which we have arranged for harvest the rainwater to go into the ground which help us for gaining water

The more people do it , better for the country and its economy.We will stop spending on a mass level preserving rain water which is bound to be very expensive.They are coming up with river linking projects and the like which may or may not have the expected results ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

There are few people like me who follow this. We have a rain water harvested outside of our house which we have arranged for harvest the rainwater to go into the ground which help us for gaining water

So do you have water problems? :huh: :huh:

Meera sandhu
Water problem is spreading like a virus now a days but there is less prevention of it.

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yes, sandhya, as it is summer season, everyone in visakhapatnam have water problem

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Not only in vizag but all parts of andhra pradesh we are facing this problem.

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