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12 years ago
Now a computer has a body like human and can talk. See:
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
Thank you said by: Rajani K
12 years ago
To my mind a computer would remain a computer with all human attributes as the ultimate control would always stay with humans. And more importantly no computer is supposed to have a value system on its own!!!
12 years ago
To my mind a computer would remain a computer with all human attributes as the ultimate control would always stay with humans. And more importantly no computer is supposed to have a value system on its own!!!
Yes that is true but still if man can make replica or duplicate things, why not a human like computer in future.. with nervous system, heart etc... :P
12 years ago
Human brain is human brain I don't think that computer can supplant it.
Sharmistha Banerjee
12 years ago
No it cannot as it cannot sense emotions which a human brain can. :blink:
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