13 years ago
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13 years ago
yes, I have watched many movies in Tamil. but they are the remake of Telugu movies. so I could understand them easily and as I know few words of Tamil so I could manage to understand the movie though I don't know the language
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
I have watched few such movies, one of them was an old Jailalitha movie in Telgu in if I remember the name correctly 'Masagudu ke Masagudu' I think it means tit for tat. I did not understand any thing much but watched the whole movie. I have some more like this in different languages.
13 years ago
Earlier, I used to see regional award movies in DD, with sub titles. Now not at all!
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
I watched 'Aradhana' in Bengali. I had earlier seen the same movie in Hindi also. Once, I watched an Asamese movie also. This was by mistake.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
13 years ago
I watched 'Aradhana' in Bengali. I had earlier seen the same movie in Hindi also. Once, I watched an Asamese movie also. This was by mistake.
I also watched an Assamese movie 'Dr Bajbarua' while I was there for the first time although I was mislead by the posters as they were displaying posters of another Bollywood movie. But I saw the whole picture. Now I know to speak Assamese.
13 years ago
I watched 'Aradhana' in Bengali. I had earlier seen the same movie in Hindi also. Once, I watched an Asamese movie also. This was by mistake.
Aradhana in Bengali also? Songs are also same?
It's my most favourite movie I ever seen (Hindi)
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
i used to watched Chinese action movies related to shaolin temple with sub title. :woohoo: :laugh: :lol:
13 years ago
I watched manasantha nuvvey in Telugu and its remake in Tamil too. I hope you people may not know this movie as it is Telugu one. Tamil person may know
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
Once I watched satranj ki khilari directed by Satyajit Ray.I did not understand anything about it.
13 years ago
I used to watch English movies for learning english accent and some english language. But first of I could not understand their way of speaking and the movie
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
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