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13 years ago
i used to watched Chinese action movies related to shaolin temple with sub title. :woohoo: :laugh: :lol:
My favorite by far, no language is needed there as they display martial arts in different form and very speedy.
I too like all martial arts movies whatever the language ... :laugh:
13 years ago
i used to watched Chinese action movies related to shaolin temple with sub title. :woohoo: :laugh: :lol:
My favorite by far, no language is needed there as they display martial arts in different form and very speedy.
I too like all martial arts movies whatever the language ... :laugh:
During my travelling times I used to watch lots of them in different languages.
13 years ago
i used to watched Chinese action movies related to shaolin temple with sub title. :woohoo: :laugh: :lol:
My favorite by far, no language is needed there as they display martial arts in different form and very speedy.
I too like all martial arts movies whatever the language ... :laugh:
During my travelling times I used to watch lots of them in different languages.
Different language :ohmy: i know suny you know lots of languages.But i know few so i don't see films in other languages OK if these are dubbed in Hindi or English. :laugh:
13 years ago
I know many languages but not all. So some of them I did not understand.
13 years ago
I know many languages but not all. So some of them I did not understand.
Anyways we can see that too after dialogs are not that necessary to understand film. :laugh:
13 years ago
Most certainly, in fighting or war movies you can understand them without dialogues. But some times you wish you knew them.
13 years ago
Most certainly, in fighting or war movies you can understand them without dialogues. But some times you wish you knew them.
yes always we wish that if we know the language too when we watch a movie and that is the reason i don't watch movies which i don't understand. :) but there are people too who just watch English movies because they like direction of these films. :)
13 years ago
I have seen one japees anime action cartoon movie.. I liked it because it was full of action... he he.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
13 years ago
I have seen one japees anime action cartoon movie.. I liked it because it was full of action... he he.
I also can see action movie in any language provide it should have lesser dialogues than action..hehehe.. :laugh:
13 years ago
Ha ha.. Yes that's why I saw it. It was having quite awesome action scenes so I couldn't stop my self from watching whole movie without understanding any dialogues ...h aha
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
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