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We dont know whether love can happen twice or more but forgetting anything which is loved by us truely and extremely is not an easy task.
I agree with rajani that forgeting which was loved by us is a very hard task

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I would like to add a song for those who lost their first love- Bhool ja hai kasam tujhe muskara, un yaadon ko tu bhoolja.....
Love happens many times, but true love happens only one time in once life

No sarala, True love can happen may times... Do you think if you lose your lover for some family reason and then get married to another person so you are not going to give your true love to that person in entire life..
@ Satish

I understood what you are saying but the love to the person whom i got married is not a satisfied love. So it is not true love. It is affection and care. Some where there will love on the person at first i loved. So this is true care toward the person i married.

True love happens only once and the remaining which we feel as love is not love it is affection and care or some times attraction also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thank you said by: sathish kail
'True' is not same as 'everlasting'. What is true today may not be so in future. 'Truth' is relative and differs from time to time.

Social responsibility towards family is more significant than 'true love' which may not be true for all time.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes, love can happen twice, and no one knows who is the right person for them

Thank you said by: ajay
I think the true love will happen only once.If it happens twice,its not true.
If you love someone once and somehow lose him or her there is no point wasting your life in the thoughts of the one which went away. Life needs to move on and we need to find our happiness in something else maybe if required we can fall in love twice...
Though love is eternal but it can happens many times .But true love happens once in a time.
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