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Yes most of the educational institutions are money making minded….
Yes, money has evaded the educational system today and it is going to effect it like a deadly disease which doesn't have any cure.
Let us hope the situation gets better and some sanity is restored in this confusing scenario!
Yes, Definitely money is ruling over the education system.

Be positive
yes education ia totally run by organization and they want a money.
money is not at all ruling over but the bad structure of education is ruling over the education system.there is lack of good teachers and the discipline in the schools which is depriving the students from the education.
While education is getting expensive the quality and standards too are dwimdling!!
Yes,it ruling. All the colleges want money. Their colleges are run on the money they take from us.

Want to make each day Accountable

Yes, its true, money is ruling over the educational institutions...

The government has been mindlessly following a policy to dot the country with private colleges and universities without caring much about their standards, these private promoters are sharks!
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