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Yes Deepti.Reading that both news I felt proud of the second woman.

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Women should be trained in at least one of the self defense techniques to overcome all evils in this society.
I think from school days itself martial arts are to be taught to all.

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Abid Areacode wrote:
[quote]I think from school days itself martial arts are to be taught to all.[/quote]

I agree with you ABid..I hope schools are already introducing physical programs which should include self-defence too.
In Kolkata and its neighbourhood we have many clubs imparting this training and girls are enthusiastically joing them!
Very night point brought in by you,Abid.Self defense should also be a part of Physical training sessions.
Since the present education is life skill development this will become a part of it.

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There is a practical need for such training for women these days.This kind of training would not only equip them with skills to defend themselves and keeping fit as well!
But even in girls schools this is not given due importance in spite of all these happenings.

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A good initiative taken in the right direction by women. You need take the authority and responsibility to protect ourself and thats what women are doing.

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