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Sumit,You can try searching for a good full time job during the day time and then contribute articles for boddunan at nights.Boddunan pays handsomely for articles.Develop skills and qualities of efficient working and jobs will run after you.I am also EXTC and I think there is a lot in this field to get lucrative jobs.You may also consider working honorary or for low income in the beginning and with your performance you can gradually become indispensable for the firm/organization;this will increase your market value.
mam i'm not able to earn more through Weblink section i'm not getting the rules completely as spamming,broken link and inapproiate content is not allowed..and per day limitation is their to submit the links..

so can u help me all


I think some sites like rediff,yahoo have Q&A section and some discussion forums too..If you find any discussion or article realted to the topic in those sites which you are going to answer,submit the article/discussion link of Boddunan in that sites as comments.
Next note the link of the site where you submitted the link just by copying the url of the page where you posted the answer..Note: see both the submitted link is working fine while submitting..

ACtuallly if the topic is about what is Internet submit link of article/discussion realted to it only...I hope i am clear now...Most of the time links dont work properly which is main cause for rejection of weblink..And also see that you write something while submitting the article in that site instead of submitting only the link.
I cannot understand the Weblink rule. It is my first day, lets see what happens in coming days.
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