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My My My, the intesrest people are taking in your book!!! :laugh: You really ought to start writing soon Chinmoy!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Eagerly waiting to read a book written by Chinmoy....

But was sure... I would not understand some chapters... :) :P ;)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
First I will read two pages. if it is interesting then i will continue otherwise I will keep that book in the corner and will never open again :laugh:
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Hmmm! My prospective readers are putting me on advance warning!!!


Let me produce it and understand myself first! You can rest assured the complimantary copy which I'll be sending to you would be without the incomprehensible chapters!!
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Corners are cornerstones of life.All things grow in corners and kept in corners!! A corner would be a very safe place for my book!!
If it is a subject interesting to me I will surely read Ceeem.

Visit my blogs:

I haven't thought of any subject yet but definitely feel encouraged by the interest you have shown!
Thats nice Chinmoy.... :)

I was just kidding... I would definitly have one... :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I am a buck bug.I will definitely read it........

What is buck bug? i am hearing this word for the first time!!
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