I love manmohan singh. I've seen his carrier profile and I never get tired but always something to learn frm him


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I like Rahul Gandhi. He has an appearance and personality...

He looks to sober too...
I would like to go with Abdul Kalam Ji... :)

He is very down to earth person... :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
My favorite leader is Narendra Modi for his charismatic leadership and vision! The wonders that he has worked in Gujarat is simply amazing!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

There's no true leader in our country rightnow. Hope one of us will become a good leader. our generation has to take complete responsibilty to make our nation pure.
First I would like you to replace 'what' with 'who'! Of the present crop of leaders for the past few decades,I have a weakness for Mr.Vajpayee!
The only leader India ever had was our MahatmaGhandi because of his vision,mission and true real life.At present,none and cant foresee any one as APJ has left power of leading Country
sajeetharan wrote:
[quote]The only leader India ever had was our MahatmaGhandi because of his vision,mission and true real life.At present,none and cant foresee any one as APJ has left power of leading Country[/quote]

Sajee Mahatma Gandhi can be consider as Freedom fighter rather than leader as by the time our country need some leaders he was no more..he diverted Nehru ji for doing that...and from then Gandhi family is consider as good ruler..

Regarding APJ ji i think he is great person and intelligent person which our country is really proud of but but i think he is not suited for politics...

I personally like Rajiv Gandhi as a leader and inspite of this non interest in the field of politics he had set an example what a leader should do...
I amy sound very disappointing but I must say we have none at the moment who commands my respect and confidence!
My all time favorite is Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. :) :)

Rajeev Gandhi->He was just really biggest fraud with Indian people. He saved and helped a person(Anderson), who should be In The biggest jail of world.
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