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It is not a question that why you feel that life is too short, The question is that how to remove those factors which gives the feeling that life is too short
Self Content is very much necessary for a happy living. :) :)
If one is the very source of unhappiness he or she must look inward and if the sources lie outside one can control which are controllable otherwise it's best to leave them at that!
People always think about the future and forget to live in the present. It is in our hands to make every moment happy. :) :)
That's a very important you have made,Nagalakshmi! We are too preoccupied with the future to live in our present!
Be happy and make others happy is always my policy. :) :)
Happiness is Absence of self-imposed and "assumed" limitations by objects, time, and space.
That's true,Sajeetharan!These are,indeed,the contraints of objects,time and space!
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