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Sajeetharan looks like the any famous temple in south India.Sorry i have no much idea about temples and history..
No jasmeet it is in jammu..

i.e srinagar.

so can you guess now?
Hope it is Vaishnav Devi temple in Jammu :)

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@ Jayen

good guess. but wrong answer dude.

it is shankaracharya temple.Google it.
The Shankaracharya temple is situated in the Srinagar district on the hill known as Takht-e-Suleiman. It is housed at a height of 1100 ft. above surface level of the main city on the hill. It is believed that Raja Gopadatya got the temple constructed in 371 BC, giving it the name of Gopadri

guess who it is?
why no one has come up with an answer? or even a guess?

guys is it boring?
This thread is good. But till now i could not find answers for any including this one. I can only guess the following things from the picture below.

1. He is a foreigner.
2. He may be a sportsman. Football player? :)
wow..i think all are finding difficult. will post some easy ones.

that is good guess meean

he answer to my Q was Jaques Villenuve....he was 1997 F1champion

Guess who is in the photo
He none other than salman Rushdie

who is a writer..

Guess who is this?
charles.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
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