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Let us not the question the relevance and importance of marriage as an institution.It has survived centuries because no other system has worked.The West has been experimenting with live-in with disastrous results.Sexual promiscuity has brought upon us the scourages of AIDS and other incurable V.Ds.Don't harbor any anarchical thoughts on this.
I think crime will increase due to this. Its good that due to marriage person no need to worry about good life.

Santosh Kumar Singh


The plain truth is we are yet to find a better system which can replace this.
Government cannot stop marriage system. The govt. has to work in the frame work of constitution.
Better put the question like- what will happen if marriage system ends?

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think Govt. can not stop it but if This thing happen that what will be effect. So its only prediction not originality.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I agree with you Meean.

Very less marriages get registered. Anyways this definitely not happened at all.

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I think overall Marriage system is best thing in India. So our India is best.

Santosh Kumar Singh


The system of marriage is not only good for India,it is as good elsewhere too.
Whether formal marriage takes place or not, couple will live together and have children. If two persons of different gender decide to live together as a couple, this is essentially marriage. Even the couple living together without formal wedding ceremony expect us to recognize them as husband and wife. As long as couples continue to live as man and wife, the institution of marriage exists.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think when there is no marriage system then future of children may go in dark.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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