MC, Hon'ble member asked me why i do not believe in God. Let me make a humble attempt to reply. I accept that I am not as learned in matter of religion as he is. But I shall try to explain.

I am a Hindu. I remember that as a child I was a firm believer in God as well as idols. Once, there was a flood that drowned Hanuman idol at Drupadi ghat, Allahabad. On coming to know this, i cried. No body could console me. i could neither eat nor drink in utter sorrow. I believed that hanumanji was drowned and this saddened me. Some told me that nothing would happen to Hanumanji as he was just a statue. A few days later when the water receded, I was taken to the sight and shown that the idol was intact. although satisfied for the time, it soon struck me that hanumanji is not real and this is just a statue.

As a grown up person, i began to realize that most of the beliefs in religion- any religion including Hindu are just illogical and hereditary. I became an independent thinker. There is no reason why I should believe in Hindu scriptures just because I am born Hindu. so, we must accept the truth wherever it is.

As regards God, it is a concept and not something concrete. As matter is indestructible, it was never created and will never end. If we say that God created everything, how can we answer who created God. In fact, the notion of God depends on the premise that we need him as he is maker of everything. If God could be independent of any maker, why not the universe and nature be considered as independent of any creator.

It has been remarked by MC that atheism is also part of HInduism. He referred to Charvaka. I may add that in spite of my disbelief in God and any other religious beliefs, I am not anti religion. i respect all.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Nice article written in forum I think everyone should believe on God. because God is great.

Santosh Kumar Singh


In my view, there is definitely some power above us because we are not able to control our every action. Somethings may happen in our life which we cannot explain. If it is a good thing, we will say "God's grace" and if it is bad we will say "God is testing good people.Soon it will be rectified" like that.

I don't accept the fact that god is helping good people and punishing the poor. Many good people are suffering a lot and many bad people are enjoying well.

Regarding idol worship, i could not believe there will be so many gods. It's only people's imagination. They are imagining God in the way they want and making idols.

Mostly people used to make demands to god like "Give me this,that. In turn i will do this,that" etc. I don't believe all these.

I neither demand god anything nor curse god for giving me problems.I will pray for sometime daily to keep me calm. That's all.
Thank you Gulshan for staring a new thread on this topic and also sharing your story with us.I always wanted ask you this question on belief.
I want to tell you that i am also a free thinker like you.I am here not to prove anything but discuss with you and if satisfying to my thought accept your view also.I don’t have deep knowledge in religion, but i constantly think of what this whole thing is about.Now i am very happy that i got someone here to share my thoughts and discuss.

Just like you, i was born in a Hindu family.My father used to teach me about Hinduism.But he always told me not to believe, but to analyze.If found illogical, don't follow.
I understood that there are different aspects in Hinduism.Different view points and different ideas.It is actually a forum.

Once i also thought like you.I don’t see God, smell god, touch God then why should i believe.Then one day i had a thought.and i am sharing it with you.
Imagine a person without any education.A common man.He doesn’t know anything about science.One day an educated man goes to him and say...” you know that you are walking in this earth because gravity is holding you down here.”.Now this uneducated man ask.”What?!gravity?where is it?”...So the educated man says..”It is here,it is everywhere”..the other man replies..”What rubbish.I can’t see it, i can’t touch it and i can’t smell it..and yet you say there is a this gravity??..go are blindly believing in something”.
This thought changed my view.Is not possible that this force is around us.The force that govern the spiritual world of thoughts maybe soul and mind.Just like scientific laws, is it not possible to have spiritual laws in nature.Western science has very little knowledge about this.Their entire focus is on external world.But this is different.It is about the inner world.It will exist even if we deny it like the force of gravity.

According to the highest ideas in Hinduism the idea of creation is wrong.yes.The correct word is manifestation.The highest ideas of Vedanta philosophy says, there was no creation, but manifestation.This is accordance with advanced science.Now i dont have deep knowledge in this, but i will share with you what i know.

According to Advaita Vedanta philosophy, there is no creation.Everything is manifested.It says there is only one and it is manifested into different thing.Why we see it different is because of Maya.Now what is maya.?Maya is the ancient name for the modern concept of Relativity.Yes.I will tell you an example.
Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.This is what we see.Right.But is it the truth???.It is the earth that is moving.So what we see is maya.It is not the truth.It is illusion.
To realize and to know the one, you must break the maya.How can maya be broken?.It is through knowledge.Just as an educated man know that sun is not moving, contrary to what we see, spiritual knowledge will tell us that this is not real.It is indeed knowledge beyond senses.
I am very happy to tell you that science is also going in this same direction.The study of quantum physics tell you that, for a universe to exist, there must a conscious observer.It is very act of observation that makes the world we see.It is very deep science.I don’t know deep about it.

So like this goes, the study..In case of idols.I tell you, it is lowest form of worship.It is not wrong, but you can call it a lower truth.Advaita (without division) is high spiritual knowledge.
Idol worship is lowest but as well a necessity also.Idols are only for keeping our focus on something.Just to have a mental image for meditation.

So It is not about believing or non-believing, but about studying or seeking.
hope we will discuss more...
Good practice Meean..We should not expect anything.
God is great. Good article but I think if you post summary instead of big one that will good for readers.

Santosh Kumar Singh


You are right.The length is too much.But i didn't plan to write article.My reply just became so long.Hope readers won't get bored.
When we write God it is the usual practice in English to make its first letter in capital.

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What you stated is clear.Idols are only idols.They can do nothing.But a question like who created God comes since we think from our frame of reference.It is beyond our imagination.

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A lot of philosophical stuff has come in a flood.So friends let me give them a good read before I come back with my feedback.But it seems all of you have come well-prepared to discuss this serious topic and here I go to brush up whatever little I know.
Yes... I do believe in GOD.... Have many incidents and experiences too.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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