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Writing is my pastime. In some spare time, instead of verbal gossip, I log in here. Earning is secondary.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Santosh is a hard working and a passion full person.
Keep it up and I hope you become the maximum earner of this site soon
Thanks soubhagya das

I like to work and earn here. Boddunan is very interesting site to work learn and earn. I think you are also hard worker.

Santosh Kumar Singh


apart from making some income on Bodduna, we spend our time constructively. Otherwise we might be spending time in gambling, card playing, movies or worse and instead of earning might be spending.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

If Boddunn stops paying you, then I think all members will go offline :)

I am here for the following reasons...

1. "Sharing is Caring" ... To learn something.
2. To earn something.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
If Boddunan stops paying, even then most members will not go offline but they may not hold on to boddunan. They will wander in the wild forest of internet and visit innumerable sites.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Nice guys and gal your aim is nice my best wishes with you all you have bright future here so keep working together.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Abid Areacode wrote:
[quote]Rakesh wrote:
[quote]I am earning for my personal expenses. If possible i fulfill my desires.I didn't received any cheque till now.[/quote]

I don't think you will get that much money from here.You have to find a good job for it.[/quote]

If we work hard, we can surely earn some good amount. But it is for only pocket money. If we get the adsense in future, we can earn good amount.

Cool information and hot earnings @
Why not hard work will generate big money for you. Its not only pocket money you can achieve salary from here.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Santosh Kumar Singh wrote:
[quote]Why not hard work will generate big money for you. Its not only pocket money you can achieve salary from here.[/quote]

K Santhosh. If you work hard, then how much you can earn here?? Is it 10,000 or 20,000 or 30,000.

Earning bigger amounts is very tough thing. But as per your view, if adsense is provided, then we can earn reasonable amount not the bigger amount like salary..

Cool information and hot earnings @
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