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usha manohar wrote:

Do you revise before submitting a comment?

I normally respond only when I have something to say, so I respond spontaneously which is how I prefer it rather than make too many changes and corrections which would take away the essence of what I want to convey. Other people may not notice it but for me it makes a difference to read a carefully crafted text and one that was written on the spur of the moment..I make corrections if needed for spellings and structures only.

I too make corrections of spelling mistakes and syntax errors. I comment what I feel so usually, I do not change the whole content. The topic which I have raised here is basically regarding the errors in spelling and grammar. What I feel is we need to revise spelling and grammar then only it makes for an interesting comment or a write-up.   


I normally revise and correct my comment if needed but in any case I do read it before hitting enter so as not to make too many mistakes. However, when in hurry sometimes, some mistakes do occur, then I have to edit it later.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Before posting a comment I used to check it again to ensure that there is no spelling or grammar mistake and it conveys the right message what I have in my mind. However when I read the post later, sometimes I feel that something is missing, or it should have written in a different way, etc; but I do not edit the content once it is posted, except for some serious spelling mistakes. 

Revising whatever a member submits be it a Post or a an article is very essential. Literally Revision means " to see again." I do it. Because of neglecting revision earlier, I felt uncomfortable when some members suggested to Check the spelling in the heading of the Post .Revising is essential for all of us.


There is nothing to be uncomfortable because mistakes may occur by anyone. Yes, it is always beneficial to revise but sometimes after revision also we fail to recognise the error so we need to be very alert. 


Definitely committing  spelling mistakes either in the Topic postings or Articles, makes me think that I should have taken some little care to avoid these small  mistakes which create bad impression on the Members.


Certain mistakes that slip only make us look real esp. in the forum where ideas should matter and not spellings.

vijay wrote:

Certain mistakes that slip only make us look real esp. in the forum where ideas should matter and not spellings.

Fine but it should not be too many. If so then the impact of the comment loose its grip.  




Before posting a comment I used to check it again to ensure that there is no spelling or grammar mistake and it conveys the right message what I have in my mind. However when I read the post later, sometimes I feel that something is missing, or it should have written in a different way, etc; but I do not edit the content once it is posted, except for some serious spelling mistakes. 

But it is essential to edit the post, even after posting. I do it. Because Posting a thread with spelling mistakes will definitely confuse the Forum readers.


This post is a good example of how to stretch a post for which I am also responsible.

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