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Most people are unable to take any criticism against them whereas they happily do so about others...The moment you start questioning your own behavior and whether there is credence to what the other person is saying, there would be no need for any major misunderstanding.

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Ideal behaviour comes with practice and maturity and still a degree of intolerance to criticism remains.

Shampa Sadhya wrote:

Clash of opinion and understanding within a relationship definitely helps to know each other better. This is really a healthy way to strengthen a bond but the moment people start nursing a grudge against each other in any relationship then it gradually becomes ugly. We all need to understand this that disagreement of thought is not a reason to ruin a relationship of any kind.

yes difference is not a problem but we never have distinction of soul is not good thing. 


Conflict in any relationship does not arise only due to criticism of one another but there are unlimited reasons which trigger discontentment. It needs to be discussed open mindedly or else it will leave a scar and will worsen with every conflict no matter of what type.     


@Shampa well said. Yes discussion with an open mind can go long way to resolve conflicts in relationships.

Thank you said by: Shampa Sadhya
Shampa Sadhya wrote:

Conflict in any relationship does not arise only due to criticism of one another but there are unlimited reasons which trigger discontentment. It needs to be discussed open mindedly or else it will leave a scar and will worsen with every conflict no matter of what type.

Where there is a problem, there is a solution too, provided one is determined to solving the problem. Conflicts of any nature can be resolved over a dialogue i a congenial atmosphere.   


If one is convinced and determined to have a conflict free relationship, then nothing would come in the way, unless the other  person is totally opposed and unwilling like it is happening in the political scenario in our country. But generally speaking all relationships re based on mutual respect and trust and a lot of give and take !

I wanted to mention a case about one of my colleague whose husband lost his job and she was the only bread winner, with two children and her in laws to care for ! But the way the two of them managed the situation made all os us admire them.They stood together and managed the difficult times which went on for more than a year and of course now things are fine ! They seem more caring and closer now after that, which goes to show that difficult times actually should bring people closer if there are genuine feelings rather than shallow, surface ones..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

In modern management certain amount of conflict is permitted or induced in relationships to bring out the solving capabilities in the officers and colleagues and enable them to face various adverse situations organizations can face.

A life which is only a bed of roses and comfort can become boring because you miss the excitement and the challenge that comes with tiffs and conflict . I wonder if there is ever a relationship that has never had any conflicts ! It is the capability of the individual as to how best one can overcome them is what makes life interesting !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

A  life without conflicts is rare. Unless and otherwise one decides not to have a solution, every conflict has a solution. A life sans conflicts looks  like a food sans spices.


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