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If a parent provide a fun activity to the kid, he will never say no to it. Time limits are very important when kids are watching tv or playing with cellphones. Provide him options before his gadget affection becomes an addiction! 

The idea is to divert the attention of the children. Children will be drawn towards things which interest them. It's up to the parents to find out what interests their children like.


Providing stuff for children alone is not love, being able to spend time with them , engaging them in activities which promote physical, emotional and mental growth is important. However, the easiest thing for working parents to do these days is give stuff.. this only helps getting children focused on things that aren't really the best for them.

Most importantly parents have to be there to guide their children.  I see almost every kid playing with playstations etc .I have a psychiatrist friend who says depression Is so common In children nowadays, working parents unable to provide time so out of guilty consciousness they buy their children whatever they ask for not realising that they complicating matters. Many other simply give It because every other child has it. One needs to be firm with children regarding certain In to their every whim doesn't make you agood parent. Cultivating hobbies Is a good way to divert their interests..playing some instrument Is a good option. 


Children by nature are enthusiastic. . It's here parents should use the trait of " Enthusiasm." And find out what their kid's are showing more enthusiasm. This is possible only if one of the parents are not employed..


Due to addiction of children to gadgets these days, children more like to play with these gadgets, avoiding outdoor games. Out door games keeps children healthy not only physically but mentally. Kids are going sick to these gadgets. I have seen in many families that some children cannot live without these gadgets, and if you try to keep away them from these gadgets they cry and ready to leave everything for gadgets. So its the responsibility of parents to keep away their children from these gadgets.

It is basically the parents' fault who give their children such gadgets at a very early age so that they may not have to spend time with them. And then they pay for it big time once the child becomes totally hooked to it and his or her health and social skills suffer greatly!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Kalyani Nandurkar wrote:

It is basically the parents' fault who give their children such gadgets at a very early age so that they may not have to spend time with them. And then they pay for it big time once the child becomes totally hooked to it and his or her health and social skills suffer greatly!

I agree with you. If the parents themselves are addicted to these gadgets who can help the children? Children emulate the parents.


the most important factor which encourages them is the entertainment section. Now a days children enjoy more in electronic gadgets in comparison of games which is played physically like cricket, football etc..

bhuyali saroj

True. Children do not know what's good and bad. They  rush towards a candle without knowing that it it burns. In this condition parents should guide them.


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