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its to be good to take risk in life though you don't get success. bcoz "failure is success in life" !@!@!@!

Taking a risk may not lead always to failure. There is a possibility for success too. But unless one takes risk, nothing can be known.
Friends I have a very simple thinking.
Ants are very small but they work very hard to store their food. They work whole day throughout the summer season. With the approach of winter season, they get back into their holes. They enjoy their food and comes out to work again with the beginning of the summer season.
Being so small, they understand the value of time and they never stop. It is the work which has given them food and pleasure. Timings should be very appropriate for anything to do and get.

If your risk becomes profitable then you are a hero otherwise a zero.
Friends I have a very simple thinking.
Ants are very small but they work very hard to store their food. They work whole day throughout the summer season. With the approach of winter season, they get back into their holes. They enjoy their food and comes out to work again with the beginning of the summer season.
Being so small, they understand the value of time and they never stop. It is the work which has given them food and pleasure. Timings should be very appropriate for anything to do and get.

If your risk becomes profitable then you are a hero otherwise a zero.

One should be prepared for both. Nothing is assured. At the same time you should not sit in a closed room fearing a storm.The world belongs to those who take chances.
Friends I have a very simple thinking.
Ants are very small but they work very hard to store their food. They work whole day throughout the summer season. With the approach of winter season, they get back into their holes. They enjoy their food and comes out to work again with the beginning of the summer season.
Being so small, they understand the value of time and they never stop. It is the work which has given them food and pleasure. Timings should be very appropriate for anything to do and get.

If your risk becomes profitable then you are a hero otherwise a zero.

One should be prepared for both. Nothing is assured. At the same time you should not sit in a closed room fearing a storm.The world belongs to those who take chances.

Very well written lines.
I would say that if we know that the storm is coming, we should complete our work before the arrival of the situation. Hence we get enough time to stay away from the negative and be happy. Willingly one should not indulge in uncertain risks.
Friends I have a very simple thinking.
Ants are very small but they work very hard to store their food. They work whole day throughout the summer season. With the approach of winter season, they get back into their holes. They enjoy their food and comes out to work again with the beginning of the summer season.
Being so small, they understand the value of time and they never stop. It is the work which has given them food and pleasure. Timings should be very appropriate for anything to do and get.

If your risk becomes profitable then you are a hero otherwise a zero.

One should be prepared for both. Nothing is assured. At the same time you should not sit in a closed room fearing a storm.The world belongs to those who take chances.

Very well written lines.
I would say that if we know that the storm is coming, we should complete our work before the arrival of the situation. Hence we get enough time to stay away from the negative and be happy. Willingly one should not indulge in uncertain risks.

Uncertainty is everywhere. But we have to know how uncertain the condition is. It's essential. And for this you have to take a risk.
Friends we have discussed about life risk, financial risk and career risk. Is there any other risks left not yet discussed? I think the risk of mother-in law is left.

What risk would a mother-in-law present? :huh: :dry: Sorry, since my MIL was gone before my marriage, I have no experience about this particular kind of risk! :woohoo: :woohoo:

I feel that one really cannot generalise since it is different form household to household and there are some mother in laws who have criminal tendencies .In my own case I did have some differences with my mother in law initially but later began to understand her better and had a good rapport with her and she stayed with us right until her end in 2006...I still miss her since she was wise and very forthright in her views and I valued her opinion . We used to make it a point to discuss all major issues with her before taking any decision ! So I would say that having a good rapport with your M in Law is an asset , no question of any risk at all!

You were probably very lucky to have such an understanding MIL! It actually depends from person to person, how most women deal with their daughters-in-law or mothers-in-law, so it is not proper to generalise all MILs as being risky. If we do label them all as risky, then I must say that similarly all other relationships too are equally risky!

Absolutely ! I know some mother in laws within my own community who are extremely dominating, also daughter in laws who make their mother in laws life hell ! So it depends from person to person and also to a certain extent how best you deal with the situation !

Horrible mother-in law should have a terrifying daughter-in law. I feel very funny when I come across any such incidents. :woohoo: :silly:

It is amusing when you are an outsider watching them but if you get caught in such a situation , it can be very unpleasant and stressful ! The husband will not know which side to take :dry:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Friends we have discussed about life risk, financial risk and career risk. Is there any other risks left not yet discussed? I think the risk of mother-in law is left.

What risk would a mother-in-law present? :huh: :dry: Sorry, since my MIL was gone before my marriage, I have no experience about this particular kind of risk! :woohoo: :woohoo:

I feel that one really cannot generalise since it is different form household to household and there are some mother in laws who have criminal tendencies .In my own case I did have some differences with my mother in law initially but later began to understand her better and had a good rapport with her and she stayed with us right until her end in 2006...I still miss her since she was wise and very forthright in her views and I valued her opinion . We used to make it a point to discuss all major issues with her before taking any decision ! So I would say that having a good rapport with your M in Law is an asset , no question of any risk at all!

You were probably very lucky to have such an understanding MIL! It actually depends from person to person, how most women deal with their daughters-in-law or mothers-in-law, so it is not proper to generalise all MILs as being risky. If we do label them all as risky, then I must say that similarly all other relationships too are equally risky!

Absolutely ! I know some mother in laws within my own community who are extremely dominating, also daughter in laws who make their mother in laws life hell ! So it depends from person to person and also to a certain extent how best you deal with the situation !

Horrible mother-in law should have a terrifying daughter-in law. I feel very funny when I come across any such incidents. :woohoo: :silly:

It is amusing when you are an outsider watching them but if you get caught in such a situation , it can be very unpleasant and stressful ! The husband will not know which side to take :dry:

We often read of cases and have also seen a few examples, poor husbands bear the brunt of it all from the mother and the wife and not sure about the women, but HIS life is indeed a wretched hell! :blink:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Friends we have discussed about life risk, financial risk and career risk. Is there any other risks left not yet discussed? I think the risk of mother-in law is left.

What risk would a mother-in-law present? :huh: :dry: Sorry, since my MIL was gone before my marriage, I have no experience about this particular kind of risk! :woohoo: :woohoo:

I feel that one really cannot generalise since it is different form household to household and there are some mother in laws who have criminal tendencies .In my own case I did have some differences with my mother in law initially but later began to understand her better and had a good rapport with her and she stayed with us right until her end in 2006...I still miss her since she was wise and very forthright in her views and I valued her opinion . We used to make it a point to discuss all major issues with her before taking any decision ! So I would say that having a good rapport with your M in Law is an asset , no question of any risk at all!

You were probably very lucky to have such an understanding MIL! It actually depends from person to person, how most women deal with their daughters-in-law or mothers-in-law, so it is not proper to generalise all MILs as being risky. If we do label them all as risky, then I must say that similarly all other relationships too are equally risky!

Absolutely ! I know some mother in laws within my own community who are extremely dominating, also daughter in laws who make their mother in laws life hell ! So it depends from person to person and also to a certain extent how best you deal with the situation !

Horrible mother-in law should have a terrifying daughter-in law. I feel very funny when I come across any such incidents. :woohoo: :silly:

It is amusing when you are an outsider watching them but if you get caught in such a situation , it can be very unpleasant and stressful ! The husband will not know which side to take :dry:

We often read of cases and have also seen a few examples, poor husbands bear the brunt of it all from the mother and the wife and not sure about the women, but HIS life is indeed a wretched hell! :blink:

Think about a situation. A man's wife and mother are quarrelling and his mother-in law has just arrived. It will be ossom. :woohoo: :silly: :evil:
Friends we have discussed about life risk, financial risk and career risk. Is there any other risks left not yet discussed? I think the risk of mother-in law is left.

What risk would a mother-in-law present? :huh: :dry: Sorry, since my MIL was gone before my marriage, I have no experience about this particular kind of risk! :woohoo: :woohoo:

I feel that one really cannot generalise since it is different form household to household and there are some mother in laws who have criminal tendencies .In my own case I did have some differences with my mother in law initially but later began to understand her better and had a good rapport with her and she stayed with us right until her end in 2006...I still miss her since she was wise and very forthright in her views and I valued her opinion . We used to make it a point to discuss all major issues with her before taking any decision ! So I would say that having a good rapport with your M in Law is an asset , no question of any risk at all!

You were probably very lucky to have such an understanding MIL! It actually depends from person to person, how most women deal with their daughters-in-law or mothers-in-law, so it is not proper to generalise all MILs as being risky. If we do label them all as risky, then I must say that similarly all other relationships too are equally risky!

Absolutely ! I know some mother in laws within my own community who are extremely dominating, also daughter in laws who make their mother in laws life hell ! So it depends from person to person and also to a certain extent how best you deal with the situation !

Horrible mother-in law should have a terrifying daughter-in law. I feel very funny when I come across any such incidents. :woohoo: :silly:

It is amusing when you are an outsider watching them but if you get caught in such a situation , it can be very unpleasant and stressful ! The husband will not know which side to take :dry:

We often read of cases and have also seen a few examples, poor husbands bear the brunt of it all from the mother and the wife and not sure about the women, but HIS life is indeed a wretched hell! :blink:

Think about a situation. A man's wife and mother are quarrelling and his mother-in law has just arrived. It will be ossom. :woohoo: :silly: :evil:

I say its a beautiful example of poetic justice meted out to the men!!! :evil: :woohoo: :woohoo:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Friends we have discussed about life risk, financial risk and career risk. Is there any other risks left not yet discussed? I think the risk of mother-in law is left.

What risk would a mother-in-law present? :huh: :dry: Sorry, since my MIL was gone before my marriage, I have no experience about this particular kind of risk! :woohoo: :woohoo:

I feel that one really cannot generalise since it is different form household to household and there are some mother in laws who have criminal tendencies .In my own case I did have some differences with my mother in law initially but later began to understand her better and had a good rapport with her and she stayed with us right until her end in 2006...I still miss her since she was wise and very forthright in her views and I valued her opinion . We used to make it a point to discuss all major issues with her before taking any decision ! So I would say that having a good rapport with your M in Law is an asset , no question of any risk at all!

You were probably very lucky to have such an understanding MIL! It actually depends from person to person, how most women deal with their daughters-in-law or mothers-in-law, so it is not proper to generalise all MILs as being risky. If we do label them all as risky, then I must say that similarly all other relationships too are equally risky!

Absolutely ! I know some mother in laws within my own community who are extremely dominating, also daughter in laws who make their mother in laws life hell ! So it depends from person to person and also to a certain extent how best you deal with the situation !

Horrible mother-in law should have a terrifying daughter-in law. I feel very funny when I come across any such incidents. :woohoo: :silly:

It is amusing when you are an outsider watching them but if you get caught in such a situation , it can be very unpleasant and stressful ! The husband will not know which side to take :dry:

We often read of cases and have also seen a few examples, poor husbands bear the brunt of it all from the mother and the wife and not sure about the women, but HIS life is indeed a wretched hell! :blink:

Think about a situation. A man's wife and mother are quarrelling and his mother-in law has just arrived. It will be ossom. :woohoo: :silly: :evil:

I say its a beautiful example of poetic justice meted out to the men!!! :evil: :woohoo: :woohoo: some situations they do deserve it ! When you look around and see them taking on mistresses and multiple wives openly , even justifying it, I wish destiny intervenes and takes care of them :huh:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
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