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Yes, that you can say... Even I start with lots of interest and excitement, after around a week I don't feel the same.

Yes, that you can say... Even I start with lots of interest and excitement, after around a week I don't feel the same.

Dear AKP any new activity will take its time to settle before it becomes a habit. What is after all a habit ? A habit is doing the same thing repeatedly even if you don't like. What I mean to say is dont discontinue. Wait for a couple of days and again start it. It happened to me also And to many others.
Thank you said by: AKP
Yes, that you can say... Even I start with lots of interest and excitement, after around a week I don't feel the same.

Dear AKP any new activity will take its time to settle before it becomes a habit. What is after all a habit ? A habit is doing the same thing repeatedly even if you don't like. What I mean to say is dont discontinue. Wait for a couple of days and again start it. It happened to me also And to many others.

That's true.. I understand the importance of exercising, and that's why I want to adopt it as habit even I don't like it much. I will not lose hope, and hope I will able to make it as my habit. Thanks.

Yes, that you can say... Even I start with lots of interest and excitement, after around a week I don't feel the same.

Dear AKP any new activity will take its time to settle before it becomes a habit. What is after all a habit ? A habit is doing the same thing repeatedly even if you don't like. What I mean to say is dont discontinue. Wait for a couple of days and again start it. It happened to me also And to many others.

That's true.. I understand the importance of exercising, and that's why I want to adopt it as habit even I don't like it much. I will not lose hope, and hope I will able to make it as my habit. Thanks.

Waiting for the good news from you, I want to hear that you have become an addict.
Thank you said by: AKP
Yes, that you can say... Even I start with lots of interest and excitement, after around a week I don't feel the same.

Dear AKP any new activity will take its time to settle before it becomes a habit. What is after all a habit ? A habit is doing the same thing repeatedly even if you don't like. What I mean to say is dont discontinue. Wait for a couple of days and again start it. It happened to me also And to many others.

That's true.. I understand the importance of exercising, and that's why I want to adopt it as habit even I don't like it much. I will not lose hope, and hope I will able to make it as my habit. Thanks.

Waiting for the good news from you, I want to hear that you have become an addict.

Hope for the same. I am trying and will continue it this time.

I have heard somewhere that one shouldn't do exercising under the fan.. Well, I can only guess one reason that during exercise our body temperature raise and because of fan flow we can get cold.

Is it the only reason? Or there are more. Exercising in hot weather without fan is quite hard.. he he

Doing exercise everyday outdoor is good for health. I recommend those who do exercise regularly to do outdoors in the early morning.

Born to express, not to impress.
Exercise leads to better fat cells management which consists of toxics and excessive water elements. It helps to pacify oxidation process inside body, and this lead to transformation of minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins to different cells. It creates better immune system. So, exercising in front of fan or without fan should be helpful.

Personally I am not consistent with my exercising,, but my uncle used to go sports club daily in the morning. He can have walk in the big ground available there.

If a person who is habituated for exercising and walking, he feels happy to find a good walking track or a place.

True.. And he is so addicted to his daily walking that if because of some reason he missed it one day then he regrets about it on that whole day.

Because one who loves walking gets addicted to it and this is true for all other workouts one goes through regularly.

I remember a few in my neighborhood, who used to walk with umbrellas in their hands even in a heavy down pour. That's the power of addiction.

Yes peoples have this habit, some person like to bring stick on walking.
Normally people go for a walk which is outdoors so no worries there ! But some work out at home or go to a gym and fans and ACs are bound to be used there, cannot be helped ! I personally prefer doing some work outdoors or take a brisk walk in the evenings ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Normally people go for a walk which is outdoors so no worries there ! But some work out at home or go to a gym and fans and ACs are bound to be used there, cannot be helped ! I personally prefer doing some work outdoors or take a brisk walk in the evenings ...

Sorry, but I never used fan or AC while working out inside my home. I always kept these two off. Maybe my workouts were too heavy and people with light exercises can go with fan or AC on. But heavy workouts when someone is sweating profusely should be careful. Fan is harmful for them.

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