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Parental decisions are not sacrosanct and it all depends the kind of moral dilemma you are in. If your take on any issue is based on conviction born out of enlightenment derived out of true education, you must stake in whatever you have to convince them to your way of thinking otherwise it is good for both to part ways!
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
I never said no to my parents. Both of them are no more in this world but I do not remember a single instant when I said a direct 'NO' to them. Even if I did not agree with them at any point, I tried to put my version but without forcing it on them. I always obeyed to their wishes to the full knowing fully well that they knew better than I did.

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Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
I never said no to my parents. Both of them are no more in this world but I do not remember a single instant when I said a direct 'NO' to them. Even if I did not agree with them at any point, I tried to put my version but without forcing it on them. I always obeyed to their wishes to the full knowing fully well that they knew better than I did.

Lucky you. Until the age of 9 years I used to nod my head whatever my parents say. Seeing this, my parents, especially my mother said, ‘ Don’t you know anything other than nodding your head?. Don’t you have a spine of your own? ‘ This started working in me since then. Right or wrong it has become mandatory in my family meets to express one’s own thoughts. Whenever my suggestions are right, my parents used to reward me with a warm hug. My parents always insisted that one should have their own thoughts and they should be expressed freely before them without fear.
Parental decisions are not sacrosanct and it all depends the kind of moral dilemma you are in. If your take on any issue is based on conviction born out of enlightenment derived out of true education, you must stake in whatever you have to convince them to your way of thinking otherwise it is good for both to part ways!

Seems like the only honest answer I have come across so far!!! :cheer: :laugh: :evil:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I never said no to my parents. Both of them are no more in this world but I do not remember a single instant when I said a direct 'NO' to them. Even if I did not agree with them at any point, I tried to put my version but without forcing it on them. I always obeyed to their wishes to the full knowing fully well that they knew better than I did.

Parents are well wisher of child. They always suggest good for their child. But some may be possible that we will not agree with them. Than it better to convience them with cool mind.
I try to convience my parents. I share my views and my thoughts with them.

Be positive
I try to convience my parents. I share my views and my thoughts with them.

That’s what is needed. By convincing the parents with proper reasons, every parent can be made to turn towards their children’s point of view.
I try to convience my parents. I share my views and my thoughts with them.

I am sure you make them understand your points and they agree with you in some cases where they think you are firm and just on your points.

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I try to convience my parents. I share my views and my thoughts with them.

I avoid arguing in case of a stalemate with my parents. I take time till the dust is settled. My version that was not seen in its real perspective by my parents earlier in the heat of the moment will surely consider my point of view.
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