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I am not religious and seldom go to temples but those who do prayers 2 times a day get something special from God. Is there something they get extra in their lives than those who are not so religious. Anything you may like to share what they get from it. :blink:

My experience has been that those are demonstratively or extravagantly or ostentatiously religious are the ones who and their actions should be constantly put under the scanner!
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HA HA HA! That is so true seeing that religion has become the biggest institution for money laundering in India! :evil: :laugh:

And this is the kind of religious leaders that our politicians are after! Some of them are even happy with blessings through 'kicks'! I agree that some of them deserve real kicks from the people of India but blessing with feet goes against basic ethos! They even hate to use their left hand while blessing politicians! My simple take on religion is that it should be separated from 'religiosity' and what we witness in our daily lives is mass hysteria promoted and practiced by our leading lights of all fields. If people sincerely believed in grasping the tenets of all religions and translated them into their daily lives, society would have less violent and less crime-prone!

Yes I too so wish that I could give some choicest of blessings via feet! :evil: Actually, even though people speak volumes about religion and virtuosity etc. etc. most people are attracted to various godmen and godwomen who have and exhibit displays of sinfully large amounts of money, eg. Nirmal baba, Shri Radhe Maa! There are some who really are very simple folks and practice what they preach but as they live frugally and do not have money to show, they do not get any followers! Some days ago I was watching a documentary on Shri Radhe Maa, initially it seems she was very simple in her outlook and outfit both and she failed to attract fan following. So she spruced up her appearance with more expensive designer sarees, diamond jewelry especially the diamond tiara she wears on her head, meticulous make-up and hair style and lo! She turned into a success story with many celebrities of Hollywood as her followers! She also attracted more money as way of offereings to her. Did the money and lavish display of her wealth make her more pious or religious??? But the mass hysteria that follows her or the Nirmal Baba or Amma Bhagwan from south really is something! :blink: :unsure:

What a topsy turvy world we live in ! On the one hand Indians love to hear stories about simplicity and how all the saints and god men lived with bare minimum of comfort and on the other hand we have a generation of who only recognise glitz and can see it trickling down to our population as well where people love to talk about themselves and their achievements at any given opportunity , so little wonder that even godmen and religious leaders have to change ...

Yes, it's contradiction of the most interesting kind! Now I come across Sadhus of Ramkrishna Mission travelling in swanky cars with police pilot van!! It encapsulates the signature of times we live in!

Wonder what next ? :dry: .....All these high profile( low character) citizens are beginning to look and sound the same - be it politicians,film stars,celebrities, mafia lords and religious leaders ! Bharat mahaan..

BUt most of them sound exactly like celebrities and film stars!!! eg. just watch the early morning session of Nirmal Baba's Darbar every day! :woohoo: :woohoo:

Yes I have seen that one Kalyani lol, the silk kurtas and the throne...he is supposed to have a third eye as well like lord Shiva isnt it ? he must laughing all the way to the bank...

You should listen to the kind of advise he offers his devotees! :blink: and I know some people who sit before the TV early in the morning with their wallets and purses opened up to catch the blessings he throws at his devotees! I don't whether these people do, but Nirmal Baba is definitely laughing his way to the bank! :woohoo: :woohoo: :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: usha manohar
Religious is somewhat very personal feeling of person.some are very much devoted to god and some they are not devoted to god.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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