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Broad band is most popular and works very goo. May be some problem for few days.
Whenever I look at my telephone at my home, It gives me immense pleasure. I don not know which makes me feel so. However I love that feeling.

Born to express, not to impress.
My mother in law only using land phone connection in my home. we all have mobile phones of our ounself.
yes, we do have land phone connection still in our house from 20 years. But in our family every member have a mobile phone also.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think "Old is Gold"
We still have land line connection and our Internet is also through it. Though both are having advantages and disadvantages I think land line don't have signal problem or health hazards.
I don't mind a land line phone but it has lost it's utility for me. Because I am not at home to attend it most of the time.

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Now a days people are using landline for connecting Internet. Thats it. The mobile phones have beat the landline utility

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If you want broadband connection then you have to keep a land line phone. Otherwise mobile is ok.
Yes ,I have.It is our necessity.
Yes, you are right. Land phone connection is also use as identity proof. But in my home there is no usage. All the members have own personal mobiles.
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