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learning without utilization is like feeding them in a computer and forget about it.

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In school we learn bad and good things. But, to live a good life, you have to do good things in life.

Want to make each day Accountable

In school we learn bad and good things. But, to live a good life, you have to do good things in life.

But you won't know what is good or bad unless you know about every thing, good and bad. Now you have to pick the right choice for yourself.

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In school we learn bad and good things. But, to live a good life, you have to do good things in life.

But you won't know what is good or bad unless you know about every thing, good and bad. Now you have to pick the right choice for yourself.

Yes, you are correct.To know what is good, you should also know the wrong one. :)
I think that it all depend on how a kid understanding.

A lotus grows in the Mud. In the same way kid should understand how to own the good things.

Want to make each day Accountable

learning without utilization is like feeding them in a computer and forget about it.

Absolutely learning without utilizing it is of no use. We should use it in our lives practically. :)
learning without utilization is like feeding them in a computer and forget about it.

Absolutely learning without utilizing it is of no use. We should use it in our lives practically. :)

and we should go on updating our knowledge. Every day we get new knowledge.

Want to make each day Accountable

Sure life teaches us a lesson and in school we teach a lesson.
Difference between this two.

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 9471]}

Very nice quote. Thank you sir.
In many ways they are both very similar and things have become topsy turvy now with students testing the patience of the teachers and often teaching them lessons that they dont want to learn ... :dry:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Difference between this two.

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 9471]}

Very nice quote. Thank you sir.

Basheer, please don't say Sir to me. We are friends yaar.
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