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I think in every person life friends are very important. They give us strength.

Want to make each day Accountable

"Talking to your best friend is some times all the therapy you need."

Very true, it is not easy to have close and trusted friends given the kind of lifestyles we lead and in my own case we have been constantly on the move except the last few years , which made it difficult to keep in touch but with all that I have 3 close friends( one of whom is a distant cousin) who I have known since my school days and I am in touch with them all the time.I thank FB for making it possible since we are constantly in touch on a day today basis...

Talking to an old friend makes you walk down the memory lane and throws in to those enchanting world of Nostalgia.
I think in every person life friends are very important. They give us strength.

You can lean back on them sans worries and fears.
"Talking to your best friend is some times all the therapy you need."

Talking to your best friend once in a while makes us realise how much life has passed!

And how quickly the time slipped away from underneath your feet.
I think in every person life friends are very important. They give us strength.

You can lean back on them sans worries and fears.

sir, only with best friends.

Want to make each day Accountable

That's true true friends are rare to be found these days when people have all sort of selfishness in them its hard to find such people who may think for others with being benefited themselves. :blink:

be careful while choosing friends and books

Though books are easy to choose than friends as in books you can know what is there but you never know what is there in the mind of a person whom you want to be a friend. :evil:
That's true true friends are rare to be found these days when people have all sort of selfishness in them its hard to find such people who may think for others with being benefited themselves. :blink:

be careful while choosing friends and books

Though books are easy to choose than friends as in books you can know what is there but you never know what is there in the mind of a person whom you want to be a friend. :evil:

We should think a while before choosing good friends.

Want to make each day Accountable

That's true true friends are rare to be found these days when people have all sort of selfishness in them its hard to find such people who may think for others with being benefited themselves. :blink:

be careful while choosing friends and books

Though books are easy to choose than friends as in books you can know what is there but you never know what is there in the mind of a person whom you want to be a friend. :evil:

We should think a while before choosing good friends.

Oh come people normally think several times before accepting some one a friend. :)
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