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Yes, we can write article on hair style.

There are a lot of things on hairstyles. We can write many articles on this subject. Everyone has unique style. Kids,man,Women... Expecting few articles on this topic.

Articles on hairstyles will be more interesting. I too expect some articles regarding the styles.
Yes, we can write article on hair style.

There are a lot of things on hairstyles. We can write many articles on this subject. Everyone has unique style. Kids,man,Women... Expecting few articles on this topic.

Articles on hairstyles will be more interesting. I too expect some articles regarding the styles.

To be honest, your hair style looks pleasing on photograph. I hope this is your photograph and real hair style?[ The angle is also too good./color]

Born to express, not to impress.
Yes, we can write article on hair style.

There are a lot of things on hairstyles. We can write many articles on this subject. Everyone has unique style. Kids,man,Women... Expecting few articles on this topic.

Articles on hairstyles will be more interesting. I too expect some articles regarding the styles.

To be honest, your hair style looks pleasing on photograph. I hope this is your photograph and real hair style?[ The angle is also too good./color]

Thanks robert. To be honest, my wife don't like my hairstyle. I planned to change it after i read some articles in boddunan about interesting hairstyles.
Changing hair styles gives alot of change in the people.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Simple Hair style for short hair

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Be positive
Vaishnavi, so cute hair style, really amazing one.

We should style up our hair according to our face, skin color, and the outfit we put on

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Changing hair style will change the person. The outlook of the person changes when we change our hair style. It helps us to make a change in our mind too. :)

Its better to maintain the originality of the hair.One could do different cuts.But using chemicals to make straight or curly do damage our hair.

Sharmistha Banerjee
I have "super hair styler", bought from TVS shopping. It makes hairs curly from bottom but it is not at all necessary. Simply wastage of time in busy days.

I have straight hair and I so wanted to have a curler but it is always risky and dangerous for the hair. Most of the products use heat to style the hair and that may lead to frizzy hair .

Using chemicals will affect our hair but not heat i think !! :huh: :huh:

Yes any hairstyle specially for ladies depend upon the type of hairs they are having and also on their face cut. Not only this even the skin colour plays the important role in one hair style
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