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Exercise is supposedly key to keep fitness of our health. It is the bodily activities. It enhances and maintains the physical fitness or overall health.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Exercising is always good for health.It may be a jogging or work out in the gym but main thing is person must do some physical work to lose extra fat and cholesterol from the body. :)
It is good for our fitness and also it is one of the recreation. It is also helpful for reducing our weight.
With most large cities now filled with apartment blocks and busy roads surrounding it, there is no space for walking so one gets to see people walking within the apartment block .. many of the larger apartment blocks have space around them that can be utilised by the residents to walk and get some exercise at least ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Now a days many walking parks are been constructed for the people and if there is beach in the city, as we have in vizag. They can have walking there.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Morning walk definitely is good for health & excise also but normally as per pollution in metro city this is not properly good for health.
Kumar ji, morning walk is good in any city or village because early morning there will be no pollution at all. Fresh air. We can even do morning walk on our terrus, coridar, beach, street without traffic, parks, etc

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Kumar ji, morning walk is good in any city or village because early morning there will be no pollution at all. Fresh air. We can even do morning walk on our terrus, coridar, beach, street without traffic, parks, etc

Sarala Jii . I hope you know that very well the pollution is attack every second in metro city. just because 24X7 transportation are working with different ways of used. And not enough tree and garden are available to control pollution.

If you don't satisfied then deeply sorry.
Kumar ji, But early morning in few places pollution won't be much. For example take my self. I stay in Visakhapatnam. There alot of transport will be there. But early morning when i got on to terrace, the climate and the atmosphere will be amazing.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Kumar ji, But early morning in few places pollution won't be much. For example take my self. I stay in Visakhapatnam. There alot of transport will be there. But early morning when i got on to terrace, the climate and the atmosphere will be amazing.

Sarala jii

The problem is lots of tree cut down for the purpose of building, resorts, and flats and other reason. many garden are closed due to non-maintenance. due to all reason the pollution is not control. but am agreed with your point that is early morning is good for health. And I said yes but not properly.
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