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I heard from somewhere pink colour express our love more. valentine's day people keep to say " pink is the green signal for love"

Red has always been the colour of love and desire. Love without any desire may be pink. It is just a liking. Something little more than friendship.
Red is the color of blood too as told by Suni so we can say red is the color of life too. ;) As is said in love people start wearing red color the most so another reason for its being the color of love. Moreover in marriages too we have a lot of things in red.

Live in the present :)
Red is the color of blood too as told by Suni so we can say red is the color of life too. ;) As is said in love people start wearing red color the most so another reason for its being the color of love. Moreover in marriages too we have a lot of things in red.

My marriage sari was Chilli sure you have not seen that profile wearing my wedding sari :P

Meera sandhu
Red is the color of blood too as told by Suni so we can say red is the color of life too. ;) As is said in love people start wearing red color the most so another reason for its being the color of love. Moreover in marriages too we have a lot of things in red.

My marriage sari was Chilli sure you have not seen that profile wearing my wedding sari :P

Ek toh you don't share the pic with me and now you are raising my curiosity! :angry: Spread some love around, come up with the red saree picture. ;)

Live in the present :)
Love has a symbol in the form of red rose so every one will choose red as the color of love.

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Red color is the color of energy and passion.

It is the hottest color.It is a color of warming also.

Be positive
Red is the color of blood too as told by Suni so we can say red is the color of life too. ;) As is said in love people start wearing red color the most so another reason for its being the color of love. Moreover in marriages too we have a lot of things in red.

My marriage sari was Chilli sure you have not seen that profile wearing my wedding sari :P

Ek toh you don't share the pic with me and now you are raising my curiosity! :angry: Spread some love around, come up with the red saree picture. ;)

Hi you get the opportunity to fly in your imaginations fix this chudeil in any appearance you like :evil: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
The red color is very very bright as compared to other color and love is also bright which cannot be hide from any one so love is red.
Confuscious.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)

Sharmistha Banerjee
The red color is very very bright as compared to other color and love is also bright which cannot be hide from any one so love is red.

You red, love can also not be hidden....?
It's really a nice explanation :)

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Meera sandhu
The red color is very very bright as compared to other color and love is also bright which cannot be hide from any one so love is red.

hahaha.. nicely said. :woohoo:

So now I understood why people give red rose to their girl friends on valentine day. :woohoo:
color-of-love.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
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