There is a thread about GREATEST INDIAN SO FAR.

Human history is very long. There are many individuals who contributed to human civilization. we are at present stage because of these. Let members kindly give an honest reply as to whom they consider as the GREATEST HUMAN SO FAR ON EARTH

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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I consider Raja Rammohan Roy to be the one for reasons you mentioned in your other post!

Socrates, who has given this brilliant quote to the world: KNOW THYSELF!
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
I agree with names suggested by Chinmoy. Personally, i consider Abraham Lincoln as greatest person who fought war to end slavery in America.

For me the greatest men in entire world are Abraham Lincoln and Raja Ram Mohan Roy.

Raja ram Mohan Roy is still greater as he had nobody to support him. Even the victims of sati would not support him. His task was tremendous. There is no parallel to him. As regards Socrates, he is a thinker. I have excluded thinkers and philosophers and considered only those who played an active part in emancipation of mankind.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

My stand is still the same. I cannot name even 100 leave apart one as there were different great people in different fields and naming just one would be to much.

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My stand is still the same. I cannot name even 100 leave apart one as there were different great people in different fields and naming just one would be to much.

Just think of any one whom you admire and compare with Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Abraham Lincoln. Here I may add that I considered only the successful ones who performed despite odds. Odds were very heavily against Roy. Even the victims of oppression wold not support him.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

My stand is still the same. I cannot name even 100 leave apart one as there were different great people in different fields and naming just one would be to much.

Just think of any one whom you admire and compare with Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Abraham Lincoln. Here I may add that I considered only the successful ones who performed despite odds. Odds were very heavily against Roy. Even the cictims of oppression wold not support him.

In that case I would go for Chankya the great who knew his job and would do any thing to achieve his goals.

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I would also say Abraham Lincoln was the greatest human on earth so far . He took steps to end slavery and guided his country towards a better future.

Live in the present :)
My stand is still the same. I cannot name even 100 leave apart one as there were different great people in different fields and naming just one would be to much.

Just think of any one whom you admire and compare with Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Abraham Lincoln. Here I may add that I considered only the successful ones who performed despite odds. Odds were very heavily against Roy. Even the victims of oppression wold not support him.

Am surprised that even the victims did not support him!! Could you explain something more about it?
If we talk about the 20th and 21st century only Vivekanand is a man of superman stature.
If we talk about the 20th and 21st century only Vivekanand is a man of superman stature.

Vivekanad only gave lectures. Then why karl Marx not be considered as the top person.

Vivekanand, Aristotle, Socrates, Dayanand were men of thoughts. Let us consider men of actions and successful action, who fought against odds.

Who comes at top? One who fought against odds and with no support. This is undoubtedly Ram Mohan Roy. He fought for abolition of Sati. even the women who suffered from Sati would not rally behind him. who could be greater?

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Mother Teresa is Greatest Human on Earth. No other human like her will every take birth on this Earth. She is my favourite. I heart and sould admire her.
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