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I think use of the words 'chains' is a metaphor impregnated with great profundity. We are not only in chains by external elements. We are ironically capable of putting more chains internally that too all by ourselves!

I agree! I remember seeing a video of an experiment done on elephants. A baby elephant was caught from the wild and only his one hind leg was kept chained. Being young and free-spirited, he tried and tried to break those chains, but was unable to do, still he persisted. Then slowly as he grew up, he gave up trying because he realized he will never be able to break the chain that bound him. Then one day, when he had totally given up trying, the chains were removed. But the elephant was now so used to being held back by the chains, he never realized that he was free and did not even take a single step towards freedom.

Don't we all resemble him in many aspects?

But when he goes mad, he break every chains :woohoo: :woohoo:
Can even cause a traffic block for hours........

It's true, like Hanuman, he doesn't know his true power unless he gets mad :woohoo: :woohoo:

True Sandhya, a mad elephant can easily break chains but once that momentary madness subsides, he willingly comes back to his post!! In a sense he never realizes he is free!

yes of course :)

Here such incidents are common as elephants are used in temples without giving them any rest :angry: :angry:
also since purchased at high cost of 60-70 lakhs, they make them do a lot of hard work. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Meera sandhu
I think use of the words 'chains' is a metaphor impregnated with great profundity. We are not only in chains by external elements. We are ironically capable of putting more chains internally that too all by ourselves!

I agree! I remember seeing a video of an experiment done on elephants. A baby elephant was caught from the wild and only his one hind leg was kept chained. Being young and free-spirited, he tried and tried to break those chains, but was unable to do, still he persisted. Then slowly as he grew up, he gave up trying because he realized he will never be able to break the chain that bound him. Then one day, when he had totally given up trying, the chains were removed. But the elephant was now so used to being held back by the chains, he never realized that he was free and did not even take a single step towards freedom.

Don't we all resemble him in many aspects?

But when he goes mad, he break every chains :woohoo: :woohoo:
Can even cause a traffic block for hours........

It's true, like Hanuman, he doesn't know his true power unless he gets mad :woohoo: :woohoo:

True Sandhya, a mad elephant can easily break chains but once that momentary madness subsides, he willingly comes back to his post!! In a sense he never realizes he is free!

yes of course :)

Here such incidents are common as elephants are used in temples without giving them any rest :angry: :angry:
also since purchased at high cost of 60-70 lakhs, they make them do a lot of hard work. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

So sad!! Unfortunately we worship the symbol of elephant as our most wise and knowledgeable God Ganesha!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I think use of the words 'chains' is a metaphor impregnated with great profundity. We are not only in chains by external elements. We are ironically capable of putting more chains internally that too all by ourselves!

I agree! I remember seeing a video of an experiment done on elephants. A baby elephant was caught from the wild and only his one hind leg was kept chained. Being young and free-spirited, he tried and tried to break those chains, but was unable to do, still he persisted. Then slowly as he grew up, he gave up trying because he realized he will never be able to break the chain that bound him. Then one day, when he had totally given up trying, the chains were removed. But the elephant was now so used to being held back by the chains, he never realized that he was free and did not even take a single step towards freedom.

Don't we all resemble him in many aspects?

Yes it is conditioning of the mind and I remember having read about an experiment done on a hen - its beak is kept pressed to the ground and after doing this several times it refuses to lift its head inspite of not being held down...We do the same ! we get so used to doing things in a certain manner that we tend to resist change even when it is good or positive ..

And it is also sad that most people find that such type of conditioning on their children is actually discipline!! This is what has lead to a lack of brilliant innovators and creative geniuses in India!! We are still not free of shackles of our mind to think freely!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I think use of the words 'chains' is a metaphor impregnated with great profundity. We are not only in chains by external elements. We are ironically capable of putting more chains internally that too all by ourselves!

I agree! I remember seeing a video of an experiment done on elephants. A baby elephant was caught from the wild and only his one hind leg was kept chained. Being young and free-spirited, he tried and tried to break those chains, but was unable to do, still he persisted. Then slowly as he grew up, he gave up trying because he realized he will never be able to break the chain that bound him. Then one day, when he had totally given up trying, the chains were removed. But the elephant was now so used to being held back by the chains, he never realized that he was free and did not even take a single step towards freedom.

Don't we all resemble him in many aspects?

But when he goes mad, he break every chains :woohoo: :woohoo:
Can even cause a traffic block for hours........

It's true, like Hanuman, he doesn't know his true power unless he gets mad :woohoo: :woohoo:

True Sandhya, a mad elephant can easily break chains but once that momentary madness subsides, he willingly comes back to his post!! In a sense he never realizes he is free!

yes of course :)

Here such incidents are common as elephants are used in temples without giving them any rest :angry: :angry:
also since purchased at high cost of 60-70 lakhs, they make them do a lot of hard work. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

So sad!! Unfortunately we worship the symbol of elephant as our most wise and knowledgeable God Ganesha!

I have seen in injured elephants are treated badly. They used to hide the wounds of elephants with elephant dung so that no one can identify it easily and then take them to temples for celebrations. Really hurting, you know.

Meera sandhu
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