It is said that man is born free but everywhere he is in chains.
Is this not contradictory. Let us discuss this.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Now also, in modern era, I feel it's right.

His mind is free to think everything. But the society or family where he lives, he has to take care of those things also. He has to keep his own boundaries at sometimes. That's why it's told 'chains'.
Am discussing it as his freedom to do things of his own wishes..........
But when it was written, Russia was in slavery. Isn't it?
Now slaves are diminishing. Yet, very often, our rights to express our views and ideas are also diminishing. isn't it?
Am seeing it as 'chains'. Everything in this world has restrictions. Actually some restrictions are needed also. isn't it??????

Meera sandhu
A man is never born free but a child does. You know as long as the one remains unknown to worldly problems he is as free as a bird but as soon as he understands matters he is chained or you can call -burdened.

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What are the chains? Anything that hinders development of your personality is chain. Anything that prevents free thoughts and identifying with whole humanity is chain. In fact, man is chained everywhere. The animal world is free. The domesticated animals may be physically chained but humans are chained in traditions, preconceived notions and social customs.

This aspect was highlighted by Osho. The strongest chains are of religious community. There are ready made thoughts and views conceived by forefathers or founders of religious communities or sects. You cannot think or act freely. You must believe in Hindu/ arya samaji / Sanatani/ Muslim. Christian dogmas according to your accident of birth in a particular community.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Again as they say a child never knows the boundaries of religion or cast and creed therefore whatever is fault is there man made and that too at a later stage, he is not born with chains but binds them round their neck by own self. Religion is like a dead snake round ones own neck.

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Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Again as they say a child never knows the boundaries of religion or cast and creed therefore whatever is fault is there man made and that too at a later stage, he is not born with chains but binds them round their neck by own self. Religion is like a dead snake round ones own neck.

Best example is marriages......
Only a few cases only, a person marries outside his caste or religion

Meera sandhu
Again as they say a child never knows the boundaries of religion or cast and creed therefore whatever is fault is there man made and that too at a later stage, he is not born with chains but binds them round their neck by own self. Religion is like a dead snake round ones own neck.

Best example is marriages......
Only a few cases only, a person marries outside his caste or religion

Just a matter of time, people will forget every thing about cast and religion. Although I have nothing against religion. I only responded to GulshanG's post.

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I think use of the words 'chains' is a metaphor impregnated with great profundity. We are not only in chains by external elements. We are ironically capable of putting more chains internally that too all by ourselves!
Yes there are some social rules which bind us not to do what we like those who do it against society are often have to bear the brunt. :blink:
The fact that everyone should agree including me and we are the sole proprietors for chaining ourselves..Every individual has a key to unchain it.
I think use of the words 'chains' is a metaphor impregnated with great profundity. We are not only in chains by external elements. We are ironically capable of putting more chains internally that too all by ourselves!

Yes, sometimes we are putting our mind in chains, not allowing it to fly free.

It's best applicable while our tuition teacher is taking classes for us :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
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