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Yes, this was also done to me when i was small and used to go in the bus. My school bus was having a long route and they leave me last, as according to their route, my society was at last.

Few of my friends complained about this route, but they declined to change and in the end i have to leave the bu and go to school by bicycle.

Sometimes, the bus driver don't agree on us and they try to show their Arbitrariness.

But my kids are too small they are in primary school now and i don't have another alternative except school bus. :(

Sir, then no option. You have to use Bus. Even if he drops your children late.
Or complain the Principal as Sandhyaji did.

Today only i went to their school and complained this to the principal and she told she will be reviewing the route again and see if they could do it as we want. :blink:

Yes,you did the right thing to meet Principal. He/she can solve this problem.

I don't know what she will do but it looked that she will favour us and change the bus route. :blink:
You can not help traffic jam as every one is on the road these days. I can suggest a way for this problem if you ask me personally.

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I know we can't do anything with the traffic jams. :blink:

But i have suggested them the alternative route from where they could drop my kids earlier than others. :) When i don't have traffic jams at my place then why should i suffer for it so they should stick for what i suggested them.But lets see what they decide. :blink:
It is just 5-7 minutes to my kid's school, just 3 kms away, if we go by car or auto. But we have made her arrangements in a private van. It takes half hour to reach home since they have to drop a lot of kids in between. Morning also half hour journey. Only a few kids will be left in the van.
For some matters, we have to adjust yaar.
Just think that your kids get a little more time to mingle with kids in the bus. It helps them a lot, because, after a full day studies at school, kids will be relaxed....singing, chatting with friends in the van on their journey back to home. You just ask your kids. Sure, they will say, they are enjoying the journey.

I cannot go for the private van because school autorities don't take responsibility of kids going by private vans :evil: .Moreover mine area is a congested one and no van wala like to come here. :(

I am more worried due to one more reason as they did not send a helper in the bus day before yesterday who could see kids in the bus. :evil:

I am worried because yesterday my daughter said that she does not want to go to school as she does not like to come via school bus. :blink:

see dont take it too much lightly because if your kids saying that they dont want to come via bus ask them why?
and if your wife is not a working lady then ask your wife to pick them will be better I suppose.

Yes, if from both mother and father, any one is free, then they should pick up their child from school.

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Yes, if from both mother and father, any one is free, then they should pick up their child from school.

But my wife does not know driving 2 wheeler if she had definitely i would asked her for it. :)
Yes, if from both mother and father, any one is free, then they should pick up their child from school.

But my does not know driving 2 wheeler if she had definitely i would asked her for it. :)

Arrange your own pickup, that is best solution for you, but traffic would still make a problem.

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Yes, if from both mother and father, any one is free, then they should pick up their child from school.

But my does not know driving 2 wheeler if she had definitely i would asked her for it. :)

There are personal rikshaw also there. You can make a arrange for your child.

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Yes, if from both mother and father, any one is free, then they should pick up their child from school.

But my does not know driving 2 wheeler if she had definitely i would asked her for it. :)

There are personal rikshaw also there. You can make a arrange for your child.

No facility at our place for rickshaw and it will be too costly. :evil: Moreover the school authorities have clearly mentioned it they don't take responsibility of kids coming from private vehicals. :evil: :evil:
Yes, if from both mother and father, any one is free, then they should pick up their child from school.

But my does not know driving 2 wheeler if she had definitely i would asked her for it. :)

There are personal rikshaw also there. You can make a arrange for your child.

No facility at our place for rickshaw and it will be too costly. :evil: Moreover the school authorities have clearly mentioned it they don't take responsibility of kids coming from private vehicals. :evil: :evil:

For your child, someone has to take responsibility. If both from father and mother, don't have time, then it is better to send your child in Bus. Though, the bus drops the child late, but the child is safe. Safety is the priority.

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