May be your spouse or friend, some qualities in him/her can cool you very much. What are they? :whistle:

Meera sandhu
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The best thing my wife has her ability to understand my feelings she certainly knows me better than any one else. :)
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
Sometimes his/her calmness cools me more. Sometimes, speaking out what's in mind cools me more!!

Meera sandhu
in angry giving a glass of thanda thanda cool cool water cool me.
my friends cool and carefree nature and as they understand me well is what sometimes makes my anger cool.

As i am unmarried so i can tell about friends.

So the way of speaking convincingly and care will cool my anger.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Comforting me and the feeling that they understand me....can cool me a lot

Meera sandhu
Pulling this thread up for your responses, as it was buried in some old ones
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Meera sandhu
The quality of anger in anyone douses the fire of anger in me!
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Sometimes, when i get angry on my friends, they don't take it seriously and make me laugh.
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Want to make each day Accountable

Sometimes, when i get angry on my friends, they don't take it seriously and make me laugh.

Same thing happens in my case! None takes note of my anger!!
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