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Friend are very special and close to our heart.Whenever i get angry with my best friend she never gets angry instead she comes to me just to say sorry even if its not her mistake.

Sharmistha Banerjee
The best quality of my friend is that she understands me and knows what cheers me up. ;) She doesn't stop speaking to me even if we fight. :laugh:

what can cheer you ? Can you give me a small list? :P
Am seriously asking you :) :)

If I am upset or angry I would want my friends to talk to me and be around me and pamper me a bit. :silly: When I am upset my friend usually cracks silly jokes but still she manages to make me smile in times of despair. :kiss:

But i always prefer loneliness when am in distress.
truth is that I won't cry before that person....
Even if my heart sinks, I won't cry. But will break down in loneliness :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
Friend are very special and close to our heart.Whenever i get angry with my best friend she never gets angry instead she comes to me just to say sorry even if its not her mistake.

Poor friend :laugh: :laugh:
Do you have such a friend in your life?

Meera sandhu
The best quality of my friend is that she understands me and knows what cheers me up. ;) She doesn't stop speaking to me even if we fight. :laugh:

what can cheer you ? Can you give me a small list? :P
Am seriously asking you :) :)

If I am upset or angry I would want my friends to talk to me and be around me and pamper me a bit. :silly: When I am upset my friend usually cracks silly jokes but still she manages to make me smile in times of despair. :kiss:

But i always prefer loneliness when am in distress.
truth is that I won't cry before that person....
Even if my heart sinks, I won't cry. But will break down in loneliness :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

And I break in front of my friends whenever I narrate them the reason for my unhappiness. It happens I don't know why. :S

Live in the present :)
The best thing in my friend is she understands and get cool by herself.
I like the intellectual jokes of my friends. It makes me feel very funny and interesting. This cools my mind.
I like the intellectual jokes of my friends. It makes me feel very funny and interesting. This cools my mind.

My friends make silly jokes most of the times, still I find them interesting. :silly: Its mostly the presence of someone around that soothes you up.

Live in the present :)
I like the intellectual jokes of my friends. It makes me feel very funny and interesting. This cools my mind.

My friends make silly jokes most of the times, still I find them interesting. :silly: Its mostly the presence of someone around that soothes you up.

But i don't know why, I prefer loneliness if am sad :blink:

Meera sandhu
My friend cools me s taking out and i like her nature of being. Even now i need her to cool me whenever i got angry.
Problems are always there in our life.When ever I am in problem I just discuss with my friends and she solve my problem within one minute with her polite behavior and cool minds.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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