If one looks at the number of new registration, it is very worrying to note that this month the number is far below the average of the previous two months and if this trend continues it would be a struggle to reach a mark of 9000 members by the end of this year. This fact coupled with the declining interest displayed by the old members should prod boddunan into taking some effective steps. The situation is drifting at the moment.Why can't boddunan follow a more hands-on policy. I am a member of a few professional sites and these are more personalized in their approach.For instance if I am absent for a fornight or so I get mails like "You have been absent for too long,we really miss you".What are your thoughts?
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I agree. I also get message from a writing site and some other sites time to time. This reminds me to visit those sites. Boddunan also sends mails regarding comments on polls and articles. But I do not know whether the inactive members receive any message.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I have made this suggestion because I find most of the old members are conspicuous by their absence.And time has come to think about this and take some imaginative steps to bring them back.
I agree with you Chinmoy. People often tend to forget the things in the world of Internet as they have huge number of sites available. Thanks for reminding this. We will start publishing weekly/monthly newsletter with the details of what's going on on boddunan.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

I think old members had caught some laziness now.Regarding me I was little busy with hospital cases in this month.Also I had kept away from article posting, reason of which I had expressed in forums many time.

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Thanks for your response.Let me hope this translates into some concrete steps.I also take this opportunity to request members to come into open with all their grievances so that this site can flourish in a big way.It has not yet completed even a year and the intial year always proves to be challenging for any site.Boddunan has managed to have a bunch of members who are bright,creative and loyal to it.I am sure that no challenge is big enough to overcome if the collective will is there.
I think boddunan moderators have to be responsible to this
Maverick I think for Gd competition Boddunan should sent a personal message to every one for participating.
And also The top contributor for the week.So other members will show interest to gain points
Members also should involve for getting new joinees.
I request all my friends to start a Blog in www.blognagar.com
Your Experience in Boddunan and attach the cheque proof( remove the account no and signature).
Post that blog in your all social networking sites.
That will definitely help to get good referrals.
I sent mails to many.Only five or six joined.Among those only one is active.I sent mail again to those joined.But not coming active.Also the referal program has to make more attractive.

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Well the referral program is active but very few registrations are coming from referrals.

@Soubhagya, an automated message will be sent all the people who subscribe to the topics. And if someone participating in GD, he is an active member. We need to make the inactive members to active.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

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