A violent scuffle has erupted in Ukraine's parliament over a bill that would allow the use of the Russian language in courts, hospitals and other institutions in the Russian-speaking regions of the country.

The fight broke out between members of the pro-Western opposition who want to take Ukraine out of Russia's shadow and MPs from President Viktor Yanukovych's party, which bases its support in Ukraine's Russian-speaking east.

At least one MP, opposition member Mykola Petruk, suffered an apparent blow to the head and was taken to the hospital with blood streaming down his face.

Just think if this happens in India, what will happen.
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Not only there in our country also we can see this type of fights. These became common today for the politicians.

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Those people cannot be termed as politicians. If this word is searched in any reputed dictionary, it has a meaning which attaches itself a lot of importance and respect.
But these days, a politician can even win an election behind the bars !
People should not elect this type of stupids as they are behaving like a road side romeos in parliament.

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Then bomb blasts will strart. I hope this never happens
Not Only Other Country Just see Our Country parliament fight.......

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 7219]}

Nice image posted but it is in srilanka you had not given that photo.

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I try to post Last Photo...................But it cannot load...I post another Picture....

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 7220]}
Politics will simply kill the society
Politics not only kill the society but also pollute the society.

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