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Maverick Wrote:
Reviews approvals require a minimum 7 days time. Please wait till they get approved.

My Qusetion:
Sir on 10-04-2010 i have posted 4 mobile reviews. Today date is 20-04-2010. Why so delay in approving it.

Vijay U
Vijay wrote:
[quote]Maverick Wrote:
Reviews approvals require a minimum 7 days time. Please wait till they get approved.

My Qusetion:
Sir on 10-04-2010 i have posted 4 mobile reviews. Today date is 20-04-2010. Why so delay in approving it.[/quote]

I think more reviews are not submitted. so there is delay

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If more reviews are not there how should be delay there?I think all of them would have published now.

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