Why kids these days don't have an amition to become a farmer? :evil: .Why most of kids say that they want to be a doctor or an engineer?. :) Is it so the country where aggriculture is one of the major occupation kids these days don't want to be a farmer or their parents don't want them to be a farmer in future.I have noticed those who are not educated well take farming as an occupation in INDIA now unlike in countries like Australia where people like to be a farmer.Why is it so?. :evil:
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Yesterday evening I asked to my five year old, what is his ambition, his innocent reply was 'driver'. He felt the driver is the great person in the world (I think he admire his van driver) :laugh:

Now white collar job is on demand, even if the parents are farmers they also wish their children should work in office. The reason is farmer's work is not easy and need physical hard work B)
Yesterday evening I asked to my five year old, what is his ambition, his innocent reply was 'driver'. He felt the driver is the great person in the world (I think he admire his van driver) :laugh:

Now white collar job is on demand, even if the parents are farmers they also wish their children should work in office. The reason is farmer's work is not easy and need physical hard work B)

Yes that's reason every kid wants to work in office but no one thinks who is going to produce food for us if every one goes for a white collor job. :laugh:
I don't know about others.. But when I was child I wanting to be farmer like my dad, but unfortunately or fortunately I ended with engineering.. He he

ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
Anand that's good at least i have found someone who liked to be a farmer. :) I am really amazed to see people moving to cities from village seeing the city life leaving their land idle or for someone else. :evil:
Even parents don't want to see them work under sun. That may be the reason.
Also, even the framers are preferring their kids to get some job in office :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
Even parents don't want to see them work under sun. That may be the reason.
Also, even the framers are preferring their kids to get some job in office :woohoo:

But imagine what will happen to the aggriculture in INDIA if the same trend goes on.There will be few farmers left in future if everyone goes for office work. :)
Even parents don't want to see them work under sun. That may be the reason.
Also, even the framers are preferring their kids to get some job in office :woohoo:

But imagine what will happen to the aggriculture in INDIA if the same trend goes on.There will be few farmers left in future if everyone goes for office work. :)

It's really a painful sight to see paddy fields changed to flats and houses....but what can we do...
In our state, strict laws are there...no one can build on paddy fileds..yet if, not cultivated for more than 10 years, houses can be built.
So, now, many real estate people, who bought such cultivation land before 10 years in cheap prices are dividing them to plots(house) and selling them in high prices in Thrissur :(

Meera sandhu
Ambitions depend on environment. every one wants to be most powerful. Naturally, children also want this. The city children do not see. For the, school teacher, van driver or parents can be ideal.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Ambition depend on nature. This will effect on children when they are in child hood and parents also take an active part in children ambition.

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Anand that's good at least i have found someone who liked to be a farmer. :) I am really amazed to see people moving to cities from village seeing the city life leaving their land idle or for someone else. :evil:

SJ.. Because of my work, even I am living in city, but I always love to live in village and my home town. :)

ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
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