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Count 754....

IC 143...

Priyanka Gandhi ==== Uttar Pradesh

:) :) :)
Count 755....


Uttar Pradesh ==== Santosh kumar singh

Kaho kaisi rahi friend now relate me.............................

Santosh Kumar Singh


Count 756....

IC 144...

Santosh Kumar Singh ==== Software Engineer

:) :) :)
count 757

IC 4

Software engineer ==== MR. Rakesh (It's me)..

I am also joining software industry within few months.

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Count 758....

IC 145...

MR. Rakesh ==== B.Tec

Mr. Rakesh has completed his B.Tec...
Count 759...

IC 5...

B.TECH ===== Engineering.

Both B.TECH and engineering are same.....

Cool information and hot earnings @
Count 760....

IC 146...

Engineering ==== Hardware

:) :) :)
Count 761....

Ic 6..

Hardware ==== CPU

Central processing unit (CPU) comes under hardware....

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Count 762....

IC 147...

CPU ==== Motherboard

:) :) :)
Count 763....

Ic 7..

Motherboard ==== Processor

processor resides in motherboard. It is the heart of it.

Cool information and hot earnings @
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