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Count 764....

IC 148...

Processor ==== Intel

:) :) :)
Count 765..

IC 8...

Intel ==== Motherboard

Because they manufacture motherboards too..

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Count 766....

IC 149...

Motherboard ==== Slots

:) :) :)
Count 767..

IC 9...

What i can relate to slot!!!! :) :)

I am relating it to hard disk :)

Slots ==== Hard disk

Because we can connect the hard disk to slots

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Count 768....

IC 150... :)

Hard Disk ==== Samsung

:) :) :)
Count 769..

IC 10...

Samsung === Mobile phones

Samsung mobile phones are cool...

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Count 770....

IC 151...

Mobile Phones === Nokia

:) :) :)
Count 771....

IC 11..

Nokia === Finland..

Because nokia is the company from Finland. Nokia is the top mobile company now.

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Count 772....

IC 152...

Finland ==== Helsinki

Helsinki is a capital of Finland...
Count 773...

IC 12..

Helsinki === Delhi

Because both are the capitals of the respected countries :) :)

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