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Count 743

Individual Count 207

Pratibha Devisingh Patil == First Lady President Of India....


Thanks 'n' Regards,
Count 744....

IC 139...

First Lady President Of India ==== Pratibha Devisingh Patil

:P :P :P
Count 745....

IC ..

Pratibha Devisingh Patil ==== M.A.

Now your turn to relate the word M.A.........................

Santosh Kumar Singh


Count 746....

IC 140...

M.A. ==== Dr. Manmohan Singh

:) :) :)
Count 747....

IC ...

Dr. Manmohan Singh . ==== Congress

Now relate work congress friend..............................

Santosh Kumar Singh


Count 748....

IC 141...

Congress === Sonia Gandhi

:) :) :)
Count 749....

IC ...

Sonia Gandhi === Rahul Gandhi

So friend now your turn to relate Rahul Gandhi.............

Santosh Kumar Singh


Count 751....

IC 142...

Rahul Gandhi ==== Rajiv Gandhi
Count 752

IC: don't know

Rajiv Gandhi=====Sonia Gandhi

Sonia Gandhi wife of Rajiv Gandhi
Count 753

IC: don't know

Sonia Gandhi=====Priyanka Gandhi

Priyanka Gandhi is daughter of Sonia Gandhi..................

Santosh Kumar Singh


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