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wow, a novel writer, why don't you publish in amazon books too. sandhya do write for malayalam weeklies too. then you will be famous.

I will work daily on Boddunan as I want to improve my knowledge which is helping me to earn some pocket money.

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I come her on this site to read very knowledgeable topics, which members write here. I feel so enlightened and grateful.

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Sharing and learning are indirect phases of it. Its that attraction to be in the boddunan. I am not here for the money. I just want learn and share my thoughts. That's it.

Want to make each day Accountable

I saw few episodes of the serials which was based on this novel but it was too boring i left watching it.I have read the comics based on the novels yes there was lot of fictions used in it. :)

It's entirely different from real story. Story of Chandrakantha is only in the first part. The rest 5 books, new story...story of her son....

Meera sandhu
earlier i joined it for earning and article writing but later on earning and article writing became a side business now its because of forum i enjoy here.

I come her on this site to read very knowledgeable topics, which members write here. I feel so enlightened and grateful.

Even i feel i get knowledge by reading articles and the posts which people write here. :)
And I am using some of the knowledge gained here in a good way. I am finding it to inspiring for making blogs.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

So you have started adsense again.Or using other ad companies. :)
I like forum discussion when anythin I get new then I come to online to contribut in forums.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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