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I am on mobile that why i am not take part in forum section.From 15 may i take parts in forum section too.
As such there is no where written in the rules about the time interval between viewing of the articles.What is written in the rules is that you should read the article fully and should comment to the article more than the sentences like "good information","nice article","thankyou" etc.Articles are not just to earn points and people should use these in positive manner. :)
[quote]As such there is no where written in the rules about the time interval between viewing of the articles.What is written in the rules is that you should read the article fully and should comment to the article more than the sentences like "good information","nice article","thankyou" etc.Articles are not just to earn points and people should use these in positive manner[/quote]
Sanjeev you are right. There are many students and parents here. They can gathered some knowledge also through reading article.
I think people will be mad if they click continuously 1000, 2000 articles in 2-3 days :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
[quote]I think people will be mad if they click continuously 1000, 2000 articles in 2-3 days [/quote]
This is not madness but cleaver,easy and shortcut way to gain points.
Admin should stop this.
Are you delhi dare devils?

Meera sandhu
[quote]I think people will be mad if they click continuously 1000, 2000 articles in 2-3 days

This is not madness but cleaver,easy and shortcut way to gain points.
Admin should stop this.[/quote]

But i have never seen any one getting banned due to it.I think site may gain something when someone clicks articles that may be the reason admin don't ban people who do this. :)
[quote]I think people will be mad if they click continuously 1000, 2000 articles in 2-3 days

This is not madness but cleaver,easy and shortcut way to gain points.
Admin should stop this.

But i have never seen any one getting banned due to it.I think site may gain something when someone clicks articles that may be the reason admin don't ban people who do this. :)[/quote]

If all active members do so, no problem. It, of course serve the site. But if only a few do...also without participating in forum or writing articles for site....thus contributing nothing for the's not good at all

I can't win this week. It will really hurt me, if Sasi won't win it this week...member of week

Meera sandhu
[quote]I think people will be mad if they click continuously 1000, 2000 articles in 2-3 days

This is not madness but cleaver,easy and shortcut way to gain points.
Admin should stop this.

But i have never seen any one getting banned due to it.I think site may gain something when someone clicks articles that may be the reason admin don't ban people who do this. :)[/quote]

Now you have seen the result, I think this is the members while going out of limits get banned. There must be a serious reason for this action.

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I think people will be mad if they click continuously 1000, 2000 articles in 2-3 days :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Not people we will be mad.
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