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Mamata Banerjee has explained that the fund limitation necessitates limitation of papers in state libraries. Those criticizing her are mischievous.

I think it's sheer folly on her part to make any such attempt to control press! She need not be touchy on criticism!
I think it's sheer folly on her part to make any such attempt to control press! She need not be touchy on criticism! [/quote]

I agree! But most politicians seem to lack this very quality that is so essential, almost all are so touchy about criticism!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Why they are doing like this. People needs newspapers to know informations happening on their state. Fortunately in my state all newspapers are available. :cheer:

Mamata Banerjee has explained that the fund limitation necessitates limitation of papers in state libraries. Those criticizing her are mischievous.

I think it's sheer folly on her part to make any such attempt to control press! She need not be touchy on criticism!

Budget constraints may not allow buying every newspaper. So, some newspapers may have to be discarded in government library. One way may be to allow the local library to buy any newspapers within the budget limit. any newspaper need not be blacklisted for government aided library as long as this is lawfully circulated.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Looking at the decision itself - I find no merit in it. As to the old practice of going to library, this is dying.One more point is that her government has added a few papers which are little known. As a matter of policy no paper should even think of surviving on government patronage.That impinges on its independence!
All,i would say that its bad to ban and don't know why such act is done .

Want to make each day Accountable

Some politicians in India are displaying this negative trait of intolerance!
All,i would say that its bad to ban and don't know why such act is done .

There is no ban as such. But all newspaper can be purchased by state run libraries. I think the selection of newspaper should be for three months. In the next period newspaper should be changed. Thus, in the whole year, most newspapers should be covered. Selection should be left to local level.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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