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You have not named it, besides there is no movement in this dance.

This is pole dance;
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 6226]}

Okay I got it , this is Malkhamb. So you are an expert in this?

liking does not mean that i am expert in it.. :laugh:

I think, you are stuck in that polo...or do you use any glue or fewi-kwick while performing?

Meera sandhu
First i am hearing about pole dance and Tandwaba dance.
First i am hearing about pole dance and Tandwaba dance.

Why can't you practise? It is a good exercise :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
I like the above dance.. its really good.. I don't know what dance is that?
I like the above dance.. its really good.. I don't know what dance is that?

Which dance you like and which dance you don't know, make your question clear.. :blink:

I like the above dance.. its really good.. I don't know what dance is that?

Are you saying about polo?

Meera sandhu
I like the above dance.. its really good.. I don't know what dance is that?

Are you saying about polo?

Polo is not a dance, but pole dance is. This is more known as a gymnastic rather than a dance.

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I like the above dance.. its really good.. I don't know what dance is that?

Are you saying about polo?

Polo is not a dance, but pole dance is. This is more known as a gymnastic rather than a dance.

Yes....polo dance.that's why I suggested this one to Ram to do exercise :P

Meera sandhu
This is very famous in places where wrestlers practice doing this dance, mostly in Maharashtra.

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This is very famous in places where wrestlers practice doing this dance, mostly in Maharashtra.

I have seen it in 'Dance Dance'

Meera sandhu
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